Fri 1 Jun, 2007 05:42 pm
Hi Guys,
Me again. Need help once more hope someone can help me.
26A. Regular golfers use slow and steady movement (5). I have L?R?O.
44A. Fellow removes iron and gets a grant (5). I have A?L?W.
35A. Enthusiastically organised relay, for example (7). I have ?A?E?L?.
I know i have probably stuffed up somewhere. So if someone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
Central Coast
Hi Melissa
26a = largo
44a = allow
35a = eagerly
Hope this helps.
Thanks again Dutchy. Much appreciated. It must be reaching 40 in september that is making my brain not work.
Once again thanks.
Central Coast
Life begins at 40 Melissa.
Hey Dutchy. I hope 40 is a great turning point for me. But I don't know about that. Im nearly 40 and im a checkout chick at Woolies. I only do 10 hours a week but god i hate those 10 hours. Come home everyday after I have worked, the backs aching and I can hardly hold a pen because of Carpel Tunnel in both my wrists. Im on so many pain killers. Got to wait for ages to get them rectified. But anyway Im alive, I got no husband (seperated), but the only thing keeping me going is my beautiful daughter Shelby (6). If I didn't have her I would have done myself in years ago (only joking) but somedays you feel like that. Crosswords are the only thing (besides Shelby) that keep me going. At least they make you think and you forget about your problems.
Anyway take care
Central Coast
Hi Melissa.
Crosswords are great to forget your daily worries, keep your chin up my friend, any time you're stuck give us a yell I'm only to pleased to assist you. Love to see you win a major prize. Good luck and say hello to Shelby for me. Hope your wrists improve soon.Take care.