Sat 26 May, 2007 05:00 am
Hi everyone I need help to finish this month's cryptic crossword.
72 a - "not a description of those who are late" - 5 letters and I have
22a - "proven truth about loud performance" - 4 letters and I have
?a?t - all I can think of is fact but how does that fit the clue?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi verso
Have the following words in mine:
72a = alive (this one has been discussed 3x here and alive was agreed upon by everybody
22a = fact (proven truth is a fact)
Hoped this helps.
many thanks, that's the words I came up with too, though they dont really seem to fit the clue but I will hope for the best
Hi Verso
Alive is the answer. When the clue mentions those who are late it is using the word in its alternative sense - dead.
Fact - Loud = f as in the musical abbreviation for loud (fortissimo) and performance = act.
Hope that explains them