The person below me will now continue with her studies.
the person below me will sleep early tonight
already graduated...though I may go back here soon to get my masters and teaching certificate.
Then I probably will have a hard time putting 100% into my studies.
You are very busy today and have very little time for games.
The person below me wants to re-enter the work force at some future date.
Not really - but with three kids in college at the same time, I'll probably have to
The person below me loves spending time with friends.
True (always have a good time, known them for years)
The person below me also has a close circle of friends.
True (go to the beach together in the spring and to the mountains in the fall - lovely group of girls!)
The person below me believes in moderation.
Very true
The person below me believes there is good in everybody.
the person below me had to hitchhike today
the person below me does that often
The person below me hasn't got time for a chase today.
A chase around the desk? Chasing kids?
The person below me would love to have a cheeseburger and some fries and a chocolate milk shake
Oh yeah. (Although, I may switch to strawberry, to better compliment my fries)
The person below me has a weird, "stupid human trick" type of talent.
The person below me has had a couple of drinks tonight.
Dang it, Dutchy...You're going to make these people think I'm some kind of alcoholic or something!...For your information, I have NOT had a drink...yet :wink:
The person below me picks his nose.
The person below me knows I'm telling the truth.
**sighs** I know, I know. (The reason I said it is because I saw two, separate, adult men picking their noses in public today. One of them was doing it with his pinky, like it was fancy or something. So gross)
The person below me thinks fake nails are disgusting.
The person below me has a body piercing.
The person below owns, or has previously owned, a trampoline.