The person below me has a body piercing.
True (but only the ears!)
The person below me couldn't stand the pain of a body piercing.
The person below me would love to have a tattoo.
False (But having an ex-RAN Dad, I am not against them in any way)
The person below me is not a fan of the goth (gothic) look.
False (everybody is entitled to look what they like, I wouldn't be seen like it though)
The person below me dresses well when she goes out.
its reasonable
the person below me is really concerned about his public image
The person below is over 6 foot
True (6'2")
The person below me is also reasonably tall.
False (only 5'6")
The person below has anglicised his true birth name.
False (long story

The person below has an inquisitive character.
The person below me once wrote he liked probing questions
The person below me has a challenging question for me.
True (gimme a minute to think one up)
The person below me would not consider himself utilitarian in his beliefs.
the person below me judges people by their productivity
False (personality)
The person below me is looking everywhere for Tom.
Tom wants to switch roles now
The person below me is trying to confuse Tom.
Tom has no idea where to start...
The person below doesn't know how close he is.
the person below me has no idea how many Jerries are out there