Tue 22 May, 2007 03:09 pm
Hello everyone.
My cat "chouli" just had her first batch of babies this morning at about 9am. There are six of them. It is now 3pm and she is still bleeding. Is this normal?
A little bleeding is normal. Usually it takes about 3 days for a cat to stop bleeding after having kittens. If it is a bright red then I would be concerned but if it is dark red then she is probably fine. Just keep an eye on her and watch for any other signs of a problem such as losing interest in her kittens or food.
If you are concerned, monitor her gum color. As long as it stays a healthy pink, I wouldn't be concerned about blood loss. Also, bear in mind that cats have an orange placental pigment that will be passed along with the remaining fluid as the uterus contracts postpartum.
Thank you both for you help! It seems the bleeding has stopped. Her and her big family are doing well! I've seen lots of kittens be born and have never once seen that much blood. Moma kitty will be getting fixed as soon as she can!
Thanks again!
You can actually have her spayed any time after she gives birth, but I always liked to wait until the kittens were weaned. It makes for lots less stress on the incision. Remember that she does not have a regular estrus cycle, so she can come back into heat at any time. I spayed a lot of pregnant cats that had kittens barely over a month old.