Thu 17 May, 2007 07:40 pm
I seem to be stuck on just a few questions and was wondering if anyone had any ideas to the following:
51A Hide from Billy's youngster. I have ?I?S?I?
57A Like a lady,for instance. I have N?B?E I am pretty sure this most be NOBLE as I can't think of anything else that could fit
61D Policy reversal to do with revolution(5,4) I have U?O?T?U?N. I am pretty sure this should be ABOUT TURN which would make my 60A as rough as incorrect.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
colossus no 110
Hi smcc126
for 51a I have kidskin so you were on the right track
57a noble
61d about turn, for 60a I have reach. Hope someone will confirm for us.
By the way what do you have for 10d as I have just noticed I haven't filled that one in . I have s?n?t?a?n, is it something train?
Hi smcc & Tuesday
My answers are the same as Tuesday's, but I had 'pigskin' for 51a, however I feel 'kidskin' is a better answer.
For 10d I have 'constrain'
Colossus 110
Thanks for that Dutchy am now working on the stinker, difficult but I like it.
Have finished mine, one of the tougher ones this time, if you're stuck give us a yell.
Thanks Dutchy and Tuesday for the help. For 10 down, constrain was the answer I had as well. I am also about to attack the Stinker so I'll see how I go. Cheers guys!!