Greyfan wrote:I think sloth wins. Otherwise I'd have more to show for my lust and gluttony.
Thomas wrote:I'm a gluttony and sloth man.
I would have checked both if I weren't too lazy.
I am, so I checked just gluttony.
ossobuco wrote:Hmm, we have something in common. I once lived in a studio apartment, well, a cottage, in La Jolla, right by the Cove, also a primo place. Washed my laundry in the shower to avoid dragging it nine or ten blocks up hill and across town to a laundramat. Wonder if they have those there anymore....
Lived in a little studio built on to some middle-aged divorced woman's garage once. It was four blocks from a great outdoor brewery-restaurant with an enormous patio on the opposite side of the railroad tracks from the Seabright Beach, a great bonfire beach except that the rangers came and threw sand on all the fires around 10 or 11 at night. About ten blocks in another direction from a really good little grocery and cheap and great taqueria.
ossobuco wrote:Crepusculous?
My preference with gluttony has always been to be crepuscular about it. Booze and lust around sunset, drugs and lust around sunrise.
With a regenerative siesta including a bit of all three.
Wait, how did lust get in there.
boomerang wrote:Oh okay then I'll take envy.
But it's only because everybody else showed up early and got all the good stuff leaving me with the crap stuff, as always.