Thu 10 May, 2007 06:08 am
Hi All
Have only one left to get. Can't find it anywhere! Am sure there is someone out there who can help. Thanks in anticipation.
Phoenician port: the letters I have are U T I ? A
baffler 186
That was quick. Thanks for that.
Saphi :wink:
Welcome to A2K.
You allowed me to wake up and have a flash of useful brilliance, with my first cup of tea.
Thank you.
Baffler 110
First time for the Baffler. Last clue that I can't find an answer for, is Belfast's ... Road - Is it Falls?
Hi there all. I just have a couple I cant figure out please, in the Baffler TOP RIGHT... music channel ??? & German rank ????
Thanks in advance good luck in this draw... JO...
Baffler 186/110
Hi jobooks
German rank --margrave
Music channel---mtv
Hope this helps
Thanks a bunch Tuesday, yes thats it complete, now on with the Stinker & Cashwords. Good Luck as always, JO..