Sun 29 Apr, 2007 07:38 pm
well, cowboys mount their horse from the left because they place their winchesters and their ropes on the rght for easy access but why cats sleep between your feet is just a mystery.
(or think ham-hock, whichever works best for you)
it's easiest to suck your soul out through your toes
ehBeth wrote:it's easiest to suck your soul out through your toes
(covering screechercat's ears) Gasp!
Easier to lick feet from right and left without having to move.
I strongly believe they do it to see us fall when we have to get up in a hurry, for instance when the doorbell rings.
tai chi wrote:body heat from two sides
I also think that maybe that's the reason!!!
cause you let em. I usually push em away when they get too close.

I toss and turn so much in my sleep, my cat decided that sleeping near my feet wasn't such a good idea.
Warmth and two heavenly smells.
Tai Chi wrote:dlowan wrote:Warmth and two heavenly smells.
Maybe YOUR feet, dlowan

Cats like funky smells. Our feet really, REALLY smell like essence of us.
Cats like to sleep in small, confined spaces like in a carton, in a closet, or on a shelf. When they sleep between your feet, they get the advantage of feeling confined while still being near a person they want to be near.
ehBeth wrote:it's easiest to suck your soul out through your toes
Is THIS what you Canajuns obsess about, instead of communists and terrorists and atheists and people coming to steal your guns?
Weird continent....ALL of it.
because cats are a giant pain in the ass....
No, no ... it's a manifestation of our national mythos of Two Solitudes. Most people understand the concept to be about the French/English divide but really it's about cat people and dog people. Really.
But back to the serious question: Why do cats sleep between your feet? 'Cause then they'll be in the best position when ya drop yer tuna sammich.
(oops, BPB snuck in while I was typing. My post was in response to dlowan's)