Tue 17 Apr, 2007 10:12 am
Can you rearrange the letters in the word below to make another word using each letter only once?
It can't be repetitions because that requires using the t and the i twice and you can only sue each letter once.
There are two Ts and two Is in the word you posted -- we have only rearranged the letters you used.
Is your question to make a word out of these letters:
p e t i o n e r s
If so, then ENTROPIES would work.
i think you have to use ALL of the letters in the first word . But not use them more then once?
apparantly not, according to what mc says.'s been done....
now what?
dum de dum de dum.....
uh, let's start a new word, yeah, that it!
oh, for those that don't know, rifampin is an antibiotic preparded from a culture of soil bacteria (Streptomyces mediterranei) used in treating tuberculosis, spinal meningitis, etc. by inhibiting the RNA synthesis of the bacteria.
carry on....
And why would I want to make more work, exactly?
you're not doin' it right.
ok, I call secondzies.
Do I need to give a definition? (Since I can only use the "m" once, right?)
you next tai chai, make a new work!
Can you rearrange the letters to make one word?
Merry Andrew wrote:NEW DOOR
Can you rearrange the letters to make one word?
Wonder? (If you don't repeat the "O")