Sat 12 Jul, 2003 07:51 pm
A bright yellow condom covered the facade of a 20-storey, phallic-shaped hotel in the southern Chinese city of Guilin to mark U.N. World Population Day on Friday in the most populous nation on the globe, the hotel manager says.
"Our hotel is very round," said the manager of the three-star Fragrant River Hotel, who declined to give her name. "The initial plan was to cover the whole building, but because the wind was so strong they could only cover the front half."
The Guilin Latex Company has applied to the publishers of the Guinness Book of World Records to recognise their giant condom, 260 feet tall and nearly 330 feet around, as the world's biggest, the Xinhua news agency said.
LOL! But - it sounds like good birth control propaganda - which has to be good.
I don't think they DO make condoms in my size....
I'll stick with my depo shot, thank you very much.
he he -- condoms in my size -- he he
A loaded comment, indeed!
Do tell, Miss Deb!
I go for the full body condoms meself
That's a good gimick. Make condoms cutom fit and make a killing. You could take molds (it's been done before!) and have the stats at the office for re-orders.
Reminds me of the time I had to shop for an athletic supporter upon entering junior high. Of course, the packages were marked L, M, & S. The girl at the counter was surely as new to this as I - she asked if I wanted Long, Medium, or Short.
I left empty handed.
Only you ya old pervert, only you ... could come up with something this off the wall!!
Roger, the standard reply is:
"I wanna C U P (see-U-pee)".
...and ANON, you are familiar with the on-line musings of our friend Slappy-DooHoo?
Well, there ARE female "condoms"!
Before Toronto's Skydome was 'Skydome', they held a contest to let the public come up with the name. Apparently 'Con-dome' was one of the top suggestions.
Interestingly enough, Skydome, a big round thingy that opens and closes is built right near the CN Tower, the world's largest free-standing structure....I think my city has issues...
Roger: maybe that's why they make condoms one size fits all: none of that embarrassment at the drugstore. did you ever buy your athletic supporter, or did you just drop out of jr. high gym class?
dlowan are you referring to the diaphram? That's nor exactly what I'd call a condom.
The European Union has announced today that it is changing its emblem to a condom because it more clearly reflects the European political stance.
A condom stands up to inflation, halts production, destroys the next
generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security
while you're actually being screwed.
It just doesn't get more accurate than that