The alarm goes off, I bargain with my demons for about 3 cycles of snooze control. After that, I get out of bed, make tea and drink it in bed for about 1/2 an hour till I have get ready for work.
I usually wake up on my own. I can work from home and on my own hours, which is a huge plus. I ain't no morning bird.
First and foremost is turning the computer on. While it's starting, I put some water on to boil. Go back to check email. Then go pour the water through the coffee filter (I use one of those that stand on top of the cup). Go back to the computer while the water is dripping through the filter and check what's new on a2k over night. Go pour milk in my coffee, back to the computer to answer emails, and post on a2k while I drink my coffee (current stage).
Then take shower and really start the day.
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 03:46 pm
Alarm goes off, either I hit it for one more cycle or get up with it. Turn on PC. Then I go into the bathroom and, er, do my ablutions. Occasionally I appear from the bathroom (I need to grab my makeup or whatever) and I'll move the start up process along further, open a program, etc. By this time, RP is up and he's moving downstairs.
I get on A2K and do about an hour's worth of mainly spam-pulling. I check the Help Desk and also do some quick stuff like post on some games. I also check the weather and maybe stocks. RP by now is ready and I have to go. I go and walk over to the bus stop and take it to South Station, then get on another bus to get to work. And then I turn on 2 computers there and start running queries while getting coffee and saying good morning to my colleagues.
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 04:43 pm
Alarm goes off, I go into deep deep sleep.
Cats start playing "thundering herds of buffalo" across the bed.
I stumble out and feed them.
Put coffee on.
Turn on computer, make breakfast, drink coffee, play with cats, check A2k and other sites -- more or less at the same time.
Finish ablutions.
Get dressed.
Remember what I really need for the day, while on the elevator.
Return, and pick it up.
Leave again.
Drive to school. Park. Put makeup on in the car, if I feel like it.
Pick up another coffee on the way to my first class.
Total elapsed time: 1.5 - 2 hours.
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 04:48 pm
Alarm goes off at 6, I get out of bed and go fall out in front of the shower and go into deep sleep until 6:30. At 6:30 I wake up and turn on the shower and get in. Get out and put on deoderant, then clothes. Go eat cereal, go back into bathroom and brush my teeth. Get in car and go to school.
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 04:48 pm
you're good tico. i cannot leave the house before 1.5 hours since i wake up. by that time, you're already near school! i'm impressed.
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 05:30 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
you're good tico. i cannot leave the house before 1.5 hours since i wake up. by that time, you're already near school! i'm impressed.
I guarantee that most of the men on this site are wondering what could possibly take that long.
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 05:35 pm
I do a couple rounds with the snooze, roll out of bed and into my robe and slippers. I start water for coffee, hit the bathroom to pee and wash my face. I brush my hair, get dressed, make coffee and breakie. Then I feed and shoot the cat. Keys, purse, coat, door - takes about 25-30 minutes. I shower before bed.
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 05:39 pm
Rise when ready--or when the dog is ready.
Take Actonel.
Put kettle on.
Give dog medicine and open the door.
Once again, open the door for the dog.
Brew tea.
Fix fruit and toast.
Turn on computer.
Total time--15 minutes if there are no snags.
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Joe Nation
Fri 6 Apr, 2007 06:28 pm
Um. I have to start the night before.
Running days (Monday -Thursday
Music alarm goes off at 4:10AM.
Roll out immediately
Go to bathroom, pee, strip off tee-shirt/shorts, weigh-in.
Walk to computer, stopping briefly to snack the cats (three Feline Greenies each) hit start button on the espresso maker.
Punch in weight on the computer.
Click on Outlook for email and calendar,
hit Home button which brings up Weather, A2k and Slate's Today's Papers.
Go back to kitchen where coffee is about to pour, get milk in cup for foaming. Grab some fruit from fridge.
(yes. I am still naked)
Take coffee, fruit and vitamin pills to the computer where, on the chair, I find my running clothes.
Dress while looking at the Weather, reading late night emails and looking at new Posts on A2k. (I like spearing Spam before anyone else sees it.)
Pack my fannypack with the lunch I made last night.
Sync Palm.
Check to make sure I have my wallet, keys and music player.
(also check to see that the BATTERY in the music player is fresh.)
Leave at 4:40AM.
Now, Friday, Saturday Sundays
Set alarm for Seven Thirty.
Get up to snack the cats when they wake me up at 4:12AM.
Return to bed and sleep like it is a whole night's rest.
Get up at seven thirty.
Eat cereal while explaining AGAIN to the cats that they have already been snacked. Show them AGAIN that it is a Friday Saturday Sunday and that they do NOT have to wake me up on those days.
Check weather A2k and Papers.
Fridays : go on long run at Nine AM
Saturdays: go to work at 7:55AM
Sundays: go on long run, return at eleven and make breakfast for my sweetie.
Joe(Full disclosure- sometimes on Thursdays I skip the run and sleep till Six Thirty.)Nation
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 06:50 pm
6:50 a.m. Hear daughter's Chinese alarmclock yell: "Wake Up!", roll over bed. Hear it say "Good mornin'", roll again.
7:10 a.m. Get off bed, pee, take off clothes, put on t-shirt, shorts, socks and running shoes.
7:15 a.m. Eat a banana, drink a small apple juice, fill my empty Gatorade bottle with water.
7:20 a.m. Pick the newspaper, take daughter to school
7:40 a.m. Arrive home, park the car, read the paper headlines.
7:45 a.m. Walk to the nearby park, stretch, run a few miles, stretch, walk back home.
9:15 a.m. Boil some coffee, smoke a cigarette, read the paper, wake the wife up.
(Notice the different mornings of a would-be marathon runner and a simple 5K runner)
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 06:50 pm
5:15 Alarm goes off
5:30 Get out of bed and boil water, grind coffee and put in french press
5:33 Pee, start shower and try to find clean clothes
5:37 Pour water over grounds and hop in shower
5:45 Run out of bathroom and pour first cup of coffee
5:55 Fully caffeinated, showered and clothed
6:00 Pour rest of coffee in togo mug and leave for work.
6:05 to 6:45 Berate other drivers as I listen to NPR or Xrt
6:50 Punch in at work with 10 minutes to spare
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 06:51 pm
I'm a Buddhist and I chant for an hour before I leave the house. Call me a rebel.
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 06:55 pm
you don't have to pee in the morning at all?
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 07:03 pm
Well, yes but everyone pees. That's a universal morning ritual
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 07:04 pm
I have no particular schedule. These minute-by-minute things are a thing of my past. My time is limited though -- next year the kid's going to be in all-day school and then there will be alarm clocks and such. Not looking forward to it.
Wake up. Do one of many things, which could include finishing reading a magazine article from the night before, or read the paper while eating breakfast, or do email, or do A2K, or work, or run around like a maniac getting ready for some event that day. Wake up kid or hang out with her for a while after she wakes up on her own and comes downstairs. Get food into her, get her all ready for school, help her do any remaining homework that needs to be done, get whatever is necessary together for school (return library books on library days, make sure she has her extra bag with swimming suit + paraphernalia on swimming days, etc.), drop her off. My day usually officially starts (in the sense of doing something pre-planned and important) once I get back from dropping her off at school.
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 07:50 pm
Wake up hours before any possible alarm clock would even consider ringing and curse the words "early final wakening".
Grab a book, sit on the sofa and read, wait to hear the thud of the newspaper, curse the words "early final wakening".
Realize that no, I'm not going to go back to sleep, get the paper, start the coffee maker, curse the words "early final wakening".
Read the paper, drink coffee, read book, check clock, curse the words "early final wakening", wait for everyone else to wake up.
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 07:56 pm
Yes, the peeing thing. That's in line with inhaling and exhaling, automatic.
Seeing as you guys went into detail, I will add on:
After I drink the tea for a 1/2hr. to 45 minutes it's around 5:30. I keep the lights out and light a candle. Then I get up and do a 1/2 hour of Yoga, with some meditation so I can be prepared to go into my horrific job that is ending Tuesday (I'm still debating whether to leave print outs on the horrors of micromanagers in egomaniac boss's mailbox as a going away gift). After the Yoga I have to eat. I prepare lunch for that day. Have another cup of tea. Then a shower.
After the shower-- and this is where I get to dilly-dallying over what to wear sometimes. I prefer to wear jeans, which I can at my job, but it's better to dress it up a little as a way of protecting myself.
StI manage to leave the building by 7:30 and walk to work, which is about a mile away.
That first hit of caffeine in the morning is the best.
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Fri 6 Apr, 2007 08:05 pm
littlek wrote:
I do a couple rounds with the snooze, roll out of bed and into my robe and slippers. I start water for coffee, hit the bathroom to pee and wash my face. I brush my hair, get dressed, make coffee and breakie. Then I feed and shoot the cat. Keys, purse, coat, door - takes about 25-30 minutes. I shower before bed.
If I don't shower before work I feel really low. And I shower at night too because I go swimming after work. I heard somewhere that showering makes you lose brain cells. I may be in trouble.