I bought one the other day because it says it is good in deep shade.
Hmm.. deep shade meaning , INDOOR shade? or outdoor shade?
In texas that is a big diffrence.
Out door shade includes humidity, and some direct light , but as little as possible.
Indoor means room temp light window sun, no humidity.
What abou soil?
Good 'ole basic planting soil?
All of the directions on the package just say " Dig a hole 1/2 foor deep and plant. Cover with soil and water thoroughly"
well.. duh .
anything.. ?
What I would like to see for this fern is to be a really nice BIG plant that can rest on the corner of my fireplace that gets about 2 hours of light sun.
It is a perfect place for a large green fern, and since it offers very little light, I think this might work for that spot..