Mon 2 Apr, 2007 11:09 am
This is one of the few times I'm glad we don't have any pets right now.
That 13 days between the taste-test deaths and the reporting of the deaths is really pissing me off.
It's weird, since maybe there were only (relatively speaking) sixteen, or hundreds, or thousands of animals affected by this.
Neither compound identified has been corroborated as a cause of all this for sure, as I read it - maybe in the next news cast.
Methinks this will spawn a nearly totally renovated industry, and perhaps many local home cooking animal food folks. Which could be good, or maybe not.
For example, Cornell, was it? found the Aminopterin, however you spell that, and knowing them, I bet they did, but that it was in only their sample... (or maybe other labs didn't have equal equipment? probably they did); and melamine, whoever found that, is a foreign substance, but does it cause kidney disease? Whatta mess.
The rat poison still makes sense to me. Maybe more will show up.
littlek wrote:That 13 days between the taste-test deaths and the reporting of the deaths is really pissing me off.
For sure, unwise re the animals, and then, suit city, but besides that, doesn't anyone ever learn to be straightforward in a timely manner? Lawyers... (well, some lawyers).
4 days, 5 days.... maaaaaaybe. 13 days! Grrrr.
Well it's a hell of a loss to just agree to with a short bit of news... but that company is a big one and the recall at first wasn't that big a blow to their total stature. So my understanding of delaying is limited. Not that I'd be for delaying if the business was on edge, but I'd understand it more.
I have to go back and look at their company test results. Not good........ re implications.
littlek wrote:That 13 days between the taste-test deaths and the reporting of the deaths is really pissing me off.
I just bought 25 pounds of dry dog food. So far, this brand hasn't been banned but I'm still going to wait 2 more weeks to see if the food is still considered safe.
I just bought Wysong Senior dog food, feeling confident about it. Big money for me with small bank account. My dog has a short life now, so I especially want him happy for the nonce. Miller, do you have a dog or cat? (None of my business, of course.)
LittleK, is the photo of Pacco with the Flower Hat, or me with it, on your site (I still can't access it, not, I'm sure, any fault of your site, something to do with my new email)... or any other Pacco photos? I'd like to see it again. Not here, since it would be a distraction to the point of the thread, but maybe over on jane's photo thread?
It dawns on me, I should start a new thread, and will. Sometimes I'm slow as molasses.