Leon Trotsky, or Lawrence Taylor
Not Leon Trotsky
Not Lawrence Taylor
18 questions to go
Was he an artist?
erm, no, not visual anyway. 17 to go.
never heard of him, so no

Have we heard of your LT, cav?
just checkin'.......
I am so sorry I found this thread, I used to be badly addicted to this game.
Hunch comes into it...
I am confused re rules here, is it twenty questions and unlimited guesses, or 20 all together? We had endless guesses, and questions, and the quest could go on for hours.
Whoever the hell that is. If it is, i'd tend to be aggravated, as these are supposed to be well-known names.
<i'll work the back of the crowd>
Condemned out of court . . . Cav is to be presumed innocent of obscurantism until proven elitist . . .
<the mob mumbles, dispersing...>
MAYBE . . .
Les Tremayne
Leopoldo Trieste
Lyle Talbot
Lawrence Tierney
(The above were all actors - well-known to some, but possibly not to everyone. How are we to gauge? I felt Laurence Tibbett was immediately recognizable. It probably depends on area of interest. Please don't put up SciFi writers: Not the foggiest idea here who they are, however famous. O.K., so other folks know 'em.) :-)
Laurence Tibbett was an opera singer, I think. Elitist, huh? I certainly beg your pardon for guessing that.
No slur was cast at you, Osso, you can sheathe your claws. I was simply noting the rule laid out at the beginning that the chosen had to have a wide name-recognition. My last "clue" was Marian Anderson, also an operatic star.