Sun 25 Mar, 2007 07:18 pm
That's the question...wondering if those $200+ devices do anything. It would really be for one large open room. I didn't look too far, but on google you get a bunch of ads, they look like sites saying "they don't work," then there's an ad for their prodcut.
Wondering if anyone has any experience.
What kind are you considering?
Some of the ones they use in hotels work like a charm.
They look like a large humidifier, around $200-300, sell them at home depot?
Eh, nevermind. Did a little reading on them, seems the consensus is they don't do much.
A friend of mine has one of those things. It does seem to keep bacteria and viruses out of his home. But he is now suceptible to every known virus when he leaves his house because his body is not building gradual immunity. So says his doctor.
Congestion and particle be gone
I've got a air purifier in my bedroom and computer room.
I've I hadn't ran the filter all night in the morning when the sunlight shines through I can see tons of crap in the air. My nose is also stuffed up.
I've had hepa filters, they work, Ionizers and they work, but not as good as the hepa filter.
My latest filter is an Orek. It was expensive but it seems to do a good job of filtering the stuff out of the air. the only drawback is it snaps.
It uses high voltage wires to ionize and when a particle is big enough to close the connection between the two it burns up and snaps like a bug zapper. My dog's fur mostly causes this.
As far as purifing the air to a point that you get sick when you go out in public, just be sure when you use the public rest room you dont' wash your hands. But I'm no doctor.
I've used the Orek and didn't find it too good of a filter.