When I was about eleven, an older boy in our crew somehow learned how to "knock us out" by squeezing either a vein in our necks or maybe it was our shoulders. It was around the time that Star Trek first arrived on the scene and Spock's infamous shoulder squeeze was all the rage. I can remember all of us standing in line waiting for our turn to be knocked out. To this day, I have no idea what or how Larry did it. I just know that we were stupid enough to let him. Over and over again.
We used to have a game in which one takes several deep breaths and holds it. Another person stands behind and at this moment wraps their arms about one's stomach from behind and squeezes real hard. Passing out is the object here, also.
edgarblythe wrote:We used to have a game in which one takes several deep breaths and holds it. Another person stands behind and at this moment wraps their arms about one's stomach from behind and squeezes real hard. Passing out is the object here, also.
This would be an internation game then, I have indulged once or twice.
What is it with noses? I sucked a Lego up my nose. There's a perfectly reasonably explanation, though: I was a pneumatic crane. I managed to blow it out before we got to the emergency room.
Stupid because utterly pointless: for a while (a couple of weeks, probably) we would snort Kool-Aid like it was cocaine. It was the 80s, y'know, and coke was the coolest thing ever on TV. Purple nosebleeds were interesting, too.
Otherwise, there was just the usual pyromania, jumping out of trees, and shooting each other with BB guns. I had a friend who eventually paid for a good chunk of his college with the money he got when some kid from another school shot him in the eye with a BB. Kris's lack of depth perception made him fun to play basketball against.
eoe wrote:Linkat wrote:eoe wrote:When I was about eight, three friends and I decided that instead of using the stairs, we would slide down the gutter that ran from the roof to the ground of our three-story apartment building. Of course, we started from the third floor porch. It was summer, I was wearing shorts and by the time I'd slid to the second floor, six inches of skin from the back of my right thigh had come off. The sting was great, especially with the rust and the mold mixed in it, but I couldn't let go now, could I?
My husband did something like that as an adult.

Alcohol and pride was involved of course.
Oh, okay. That's a combination that can certainly make a man behave like an eight year old, alright.
we used to turn the electric fan on and see how close we could get our tongues to the blades
Welcome to a2k, xring with the interesting hobby.
And thanks for reviving the thread. Somehow, I missed it the first time around.
ditto roger, great memories.
ok, who's next?
Me! Me! <waving hand>
My sister and I used to make concoctions out of all sorts of ingredients from the medicine closet, then dare our younger brother to eat it. (He never said no to a dare.)
Vaseline, scented bath powder, Pepto Bismol, cough syrup, aftershave, whatever we could find in there. Sometimes we'd mix in a little peanut butter or something to make the color closer to "normal."
Did he survive childhood?
Did we all torture our younger brothers - I told my brother to sip coke with a straw via is nose. He did so - and it hurt like h*ll -
next question, why the heck do little brothers do what you ask? They have to know it isn't going to be pleasant.
I'm the little brother.
The answer is: we learn not to, but it takes a while.
My brother and were visiting my grandparents at their farm. We (he) got the bright idea to climb into the hayloft and then throw fireworks at the pigs below. When we ran out of fireworks, we started throwing lit matches.
Well I think it is still taking my little brother some time and he is 35.