Craig Ferguson, host of CBS' "The Late Late Show," said that after seeing photos of Spears' shaved head, he reconsidered making jokes at the expense of the "vulnerable."
"For me, comedy should have a certain amount of joy in it," he told viewers Monday. "It should be about attacking the powerful _ the politicians, the Trumps, the blowhards _ going after them. We shouldn't be attacking the vulnerable."
I once, or was it twice, railed at Slappy too. After all, I have an acquaintance who is a thalidimide dwarf, a person I think of as brave - and Slappy says he trips midgets, and so on. It's not my own type of humor but I came around fairly fast to what I had been in the process of catching on to - but not there yet when I barked at Slappy - that everything is fodder for humor, and conversely, that humor can illuminate every-thing, sometimes at odd angles.
Because, at base, humor is perspective. Or frames perspective. Or, something like that. Or, we are all dwarves.
Or giants, as the case may be.
I was never for censorship but I was into expressing my dismay at this or that bit. I still have an edge for that, that I might not be able to ever understand the humor.
A test for me would be what I think about humor about the despicable. Right this minute I don't know. Well, I know the despicable is horrid, but don't know where commentary becomes crime.
I am ashamed that I almost caved in. I was going to do what was asked but, I am stronger than that.
tryingtohelp wrote:I am ashamed that I almost caved in. I was going to do what was asked but, I am stronger than that.
.....and utterly ignorant.
CalamityJane wrote:.....and utterly ignorant.
Not as ignorant as you think