Maradona wrote:2PacksAday- ur answer seems same with what i thought. But i heard somewhere the electron repulsion is like a couple million times stronger than gravity, so how would ur arm force be much stronger?
Well, simply put, your problem revolves around scale/mass. Take Bills 10,000,000,000,000,000 atoms....there are a lot of them, sure...and each one has its own little attraction/repulsion thing going on...
and a few other things...but even after adding everything together they still fall way short of enough of anything to withstand the force of the hammer.
I'll put it this way...say a standard 22oz hammer, swung at 40mph, would create several pounds of force, all concentrated on one square inch of wall {hammers tend to have a square inch or so striking face}...vs...the forces that are acting on the atoms that make up the square inch of wall...compared on that scale, a billion x's nothin is still nothin...the hammer wins.
Think of a small tack hammer...1oz, swinging away at the side of an aircraft carrier, then you are getting closer to a workable scale...but still way, way off.