Hmmm, now you've got me thinking, Reyn. What have I done?
Not a huge amount, a lot (like chaging to solar power & getting the plumbing work done so most of my grey water can be recycled) is not affordable, sadly.
OK, I'll list what I have done:
-Changed to the smallest, most fuel-efficient car I could afford a few years back. (another Echo driver here, Reyn!
-Walk to the shops regularly (they're very close) & use public transport when possible.
-Turn off any house lights when the rooms are not in use. Ditto for power to DVD player, TV, etc.
-Changed from a top-loading to a front-loading washing machine. Heaps less water use!
- Compost much of my waste vegetable matter.
-Regularly "green garbage" whatever cuttings, etc, I can't use myself. This is a council service, along with glass, paper & metal recycling.
-Wash & re-use the few plastic"take-away" containers I've gotten.
-Bought a number of those little "green bags" to take shopping, rather than rely on the plastic ones from the shops.
- no poisonous weed killers allowed. Organic garden fertilers only.
- No clothes dryer or electric dishwasher. (don't need them, anyway.)My rotary clothes dryer is terrific & I prefer handwashing dishes, anyway.
- Planted as many small native shrubs as my small block can comfortably manage. (For the air! The birds!)
-Never use heavy-duty chemical cleaners. Opt for the environmentally safe varieties.
-Re-use as much grey water as possible. (Using environmentally friendly detergents)
- Air con. in one room only. Hardly ever used. I rely on o/head fans on hot days. They do the trick very well, along with ventilating the house by opening all the doors & windows in the mornings (on days like today). Then drawing the blinds when it gets warmer.
- and .....?