@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:Maybe the term "balance" in the title threw me off. Just to make it clear, we are talking about turning the bicycle, not keeping it upright, right?
As per my post # 2,475,209
Chumly wrote:The essence of it is that the bikes they built clearly go against the popular notions of many, many people (lots of qualified educators etc) who will claim countersteering has to do with gyroscopic procession. Countersteering is not a function of gyroscopic procession!
At least that's what I got out if the whole thing.
After reading the article I still wasn't clear on what you disagreed with, but after reading your last comment: "The essence of it is that the bikes they built clearly go against the popular notions of many, many people (lots of qualified educators etc) who will claim countersteering has to do with gyroscopic procession. Countersteering is not a function of gyroscopic procession!", it looks like you are disagreeing with something that I've never heard anyone say.
Can you give any reference to where anyone says: "Countersteering has to do with gyroscopic procession. (sic - it's actually precession, not procession)" or "Countersteering is a function of gyroscopic precession"?
Google "countersteering and gyroscopic precession" for said claims as per "Can you give any reference to where anyone says..."