Thu 4 Jan, 2007 04:33 am
Happy new year one and all, I am stuck, I cannot answer 162a central Asian range A?t?i
Also found while searching theWeb that the answer to 207a was Mancoux, but on looking through the Q's and A's that it is Mantoux, could somebody enlighten me please. Thanks
Hi gillbritt, Altay Mountains (alternative spelling Altai) is a mountain range in central Asia, where Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan come together, and where the great rivers Irtysh, Ob and Yenisei have their sources. Cheers
hi gillbritt, I am away from home and from my answers, maybe this will help in the second part of your question :[mantoo] Intradermal injection of an extract prepared from tuberculosis bacilli. The skin reaction measures the immune response to tuberculosis. When positive, the patient is known to suffer from or to have suffered from tuberculosis, or to have been vaccinated. It is named after French physician Charles Mantoux (1877-1947).
162a. altai
207a. mantoux
208d. told
Hope that helps you.
hi, thanks mrsgreen and farkha for your answers, stinker now complete