"Those who keep order, just are too lazy to search"... that's very funny.
A great tool in using search engines like google are quotation marks. For example, you could enter the following ...
...Iraq "chemical warfare shipments"... Without the quotation marks, the engine will find the words separately, but this way it will look for that exact sequence (plus Iraq). Very handy for quotes or partially remembered quotes. For example, you might recall something from Ann Coulter about "there are good liberals". Well, perhaps that's a poor example, because nothing will come up.
BillW & Blatham
Many thanks for the hints on searching----in particular I didn't know about the quotation marks.
BillW---I also noted your reference to playing fair---I think when there is no attempt at displaying some degree of mutual respect then things quickly get out of hand.
perception, things can get out of hand in Politics even with mutal respect. That is the reason it can get so difficult. Something that is biting but not meant to be disrespectful and so on and so on and so on! With disrespect you end up like on Abuzz. I go over there every once in a while - but am almost through with them forever.
A useful primer on the intracacies of Boolean Search:
Using Boolean Operatives in the furtherence of Internet Search Specificity
timber - who hopes the link works.
Thanks for the link on Boolean operatives----now if I just knew what Boolean meant.))))))))))
"Boolean" means the fat has been scared out of the meat. c.i.
I printed a large section from your link. Thanks from me too, Timber.
And thanks to c.i. for that bit of information.
"Boolean" is a form of mathmatical logic named after an English mathmatician named "Boole" from back in the 1800s. The basic opperands in Boolean Logic are "And" and "Or" but there are others (like "Not"). Boolean Logic is the basis for how our computers work (ergo, verra verra important stuffs! lol)
No--that would be---Moo-lean))))))))))
fishin, Your accent is wrong, I say! It's "velly, velly, impoltent stuffs."
This extracted from blatham's link. It may sound like a petty caveat, but it's the crux of the entire inspection process, isn't it?
"And assuming the UN inspectors in Iraq have gone to the right places, there can be no hiding President Saddam's nuclear dust, if it exists."
We'll see what comes of the upcoming US intel sharing of information.
Here's information on UN relief groups' prognosis and planning for the war... not pretty:,,3-522510,00.html
The 'official' news from the "United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission" ( UNMOVIC ) is to be found here:
The duplicitous posturing of the US and UK governments over Iraq's weapons is beyond a joke. War was ordered against Iraq months ago. If UNMOVIC find evidence of concealed weapons, it will act as the trigger for war, because Saddam did not declare them. If UNMOVIC agree Iraq has none of these weapons, that will be proof Saddam is lying (as we know he has them anyway) and it will act as the trigger for war. What a farce. What a charade. What a shame that thousands are going to die violent deaths to ensure the high oil-based living standards in America and the West are maintained.
Steve, Don't come to any conclusions yet! I refer you to the way the US has been back-tracking on their hawkish rhetoric at the beginning of this 'campaign.' Let's wait and see; we may all be pleasantly surprised by the end result. c.i.
This could be the "read my lips, no new taxes" manacle for Bush II if it sways off course, whether or not he succeeds in starting a war. I'm sure he and his cronies are trying to keep it on course with every facility available to them.
I sincerely hope I am wrong. But I think the apparant back tracking and changes of tone (Bush talks soft, Powell talks hard, then Rumsfeld appears more concilliatory etc etc), is just a smokescreen to confuse people, especially the American/British public. When war starts (scheduled for st Valentine's appropriate), people will say "well its not as if we haven't explored every alternative". But the fact is there was is and never will be any alternative but force, if the objective is to change the Baghdad regime, as I believe it is. (And there are some excellent reasons to change the regime, but playing hide and seek in the desert is not one!)
Steve, There's still the "well but scenario." The administration still hasn't shown any proof war is necessary. c.i.