Architecture in Toronto - 2006 (slide show)

Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2007 08:39 pm
I was there at the historic moment when Toronto's CN tower was lit up for the first time with a spectacular LED display.

CityNews.ca Staff
"After years in the dark, the CN Tower dramatically transformed Toronto's skyline during a dazzling 10 minute display Thursday night which showcased the famous landmark's new LED lighting system.

Thursday night's official unveiling kicked off the long Canada Day weekend.

"The CN Tower is an architectural and engineering wonder and we are thrilled to realize a dynamic and visually elegant CN Tower as part of the Toronto night skyline," said Jack Robinson, Chief Operating Officer for the CN Tower.

"This latest technological upgrade provides an energy efficient, cost effective and architecturally stunning result that Torontonians and all Canadians can be proud of. The CN Tower will serve as a beacon for tourism representing the extraordinary experiences that can be found in Toronto and throughout Canada."

The tower's been rigged with 1,330 LED lights that can change colours.

It will be lit each night from sunset until 1am with special shows on holidays and during city events."
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2007 08:43 pm
shepaints, Thanks for sharing that info; I've been up on the CN Tower a couple of times, and have viewed it from the harbor area while enjoying the shops and restaurants, and while cruising around the bay.
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Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2007 08:48 pm
So where exactly were you? was it outside in a plaza? tell us about it?

Y'know, I'd post more about Toronto arch/landarch but I am figuring the people here who seem interested already know about it/have watched it happen. I'm not uninterested in all the changes myself... and people in the design world are interested, given a discussion gets going...
plus, you'all could post threads and comments. Hard to post repeatedly to a blank response, sort of like self-flailing if you add up all my urban design posts. But maybe we could make this a news re Toronto space thread, that'd be good.
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Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2007 08:58 pm
We were leaving a football game at the Roger's Centre and were about to go home when we noticed the crowds and were informed of the historic nature of the occasion. A band was playing at the Harbourfront near the the foot of the tower. It had a spectacular lead act and remarks were made by several dignitaries. I rested on the grass with the CN tower filling my entire gaze and watched the awesome light display. As we drove off, we could see the tower in its entirety diminishing with its changing glowing colours.

I hope you go back to check it out CI, .....would also love to get Lightwizard's reaction....
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Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2007 09:01 pm
All right! fortuitous delight that happened to be historic...
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2007 09:11 pm
Here's a map of Toronto. The Sheraton Hotel is located on the upper part of this map, right next to City Hall.


I saw the show Jolson, because I wanted go see the Lion King, but it was closed that day, and I walked just one block to where Jolson was playing. I was lucky and got a pretty good seat for the same evening's show.


This is the Toronto skyline from a cruise in the bay.

On my second visit to Toronto, my wife and I were catered by Chef Paul (Cavfancier) and his wife for a dinner at their home. Sure do miss him.
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Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 09:02 am
I hope you return to see the light effects CI!

I was impressed with the level of environmental awareness
employed in its state of the art illumination.

From www.cntower.ca

A technological leader, the CN Tower's latest upgrade features a system considered the first major lighting breakthrough in over 100 years. The CN Tower has implemented Color Kinetics® lighting system that merges patented Chromacore® technology with microprocessor-controlled light emitting diodes (LEDs).

The programmable LED lighting system is energy efficient and cost effective to maintain. It presents a more vibrant Tower while using less energy than former conventional lighting systems. 1,330 fixtures each no larger than a shoebox replace conventional fixtures the size of washing machines. Capable of millions of colours and effects, it will be used to elegantly illuminate this national icon and internationally recognized symbol of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Tower will be lit each night from dusk until 1am and feature occasional thematic programming during national holidays, some occasions and citywide events. The system also features directional lighting which presents a brighter Tower that does not interfere with nearby residences and hotels. The CN Tower continues its longstanding support of Toronto's FLAP* during spring and fall migration and looks forward to exploring how directional and LED lighting can mitigate bird mortality as current theories suggest.

* FLAP - Fatal Light Awareness Program - the CN Tower has been a longstanding participant in this volunteer program that encourages buildings to dim unnecessary exterior lighting to mitigate bird mortality during spring and fall migration.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 10:16 am
shepaints, I have always enjoyed my visit to Toronto; I hope to visit again when I do a trip to north-east Canada one of these days.
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Reply Sun 22 Jul, 2007 07:00 pm

this ^^^ is the Toronto-area building I'm most interested in visiting. Our newest Hindu temple.

temple opening

Located at Hwy 427 and Finch Avenue in north-west Toronto, the temple is an architectural masterpiece. Built with Turkish limestone and Italian marble, the temple was built by artisans armed with chisels, hammers and ancient Hindu doctrine outlining how a holy place should be constructed.

The entire project was created by the Hindu community both in Canada and in India. About 2,000 Indian craftsmen were hired to bring the temple to life. About 100 were brought to Toronto to construct the temple while about 1,800 were hired in India to carve out some of the intricate, detailed carvings that adorn the temple.


Here are some details about the massive project:

* More than 24,000 pieces of the temple were sculpted in India -- with each of the parts marked with a bar code to facilitate construction.
* The project started in 2005 and opens officially on July 22, 2007.
* No steel was used in the construction. It is all stone piled on stone.

Not only did the Hindu community raise the majority of the $40 million it took to build the temple, they also served up 400 volunteers to help the project along. They did it all without asking a cent from the government.

The celebration started early Saturday afternoon with a procession in the downtown core.

Starting at 4 p.m. on the grounds of Queen's Park, a colourful parade made its way down to Wellington St. complete with music and dancers.

The parade carried several idols that were to be indoctrinated in the temple Sunday morning. It was meant as a symbolic gesture to introduce the deities to the city, their new land.

BAPS, which stands for Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, has an international following. The temple will not only offer religious services to the community, it will also hold classes and the Canadian Museum of Cultural Heritage of Indo-Canadians.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 22 Jul, 2007 07:13 pm
ehBeth, Khajuraho is a city with many such temples, but they are predominantly sex act carvings. I'll scan one that looks somewhat similar to the one in Toronto and post it on this thread. Give me a few minutes.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 22 Jul, 2007 07:19 pm

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Reply Sun 22 Jul, 2007 07:29 pm
Interesting, I'll be glad to hear more...

I see articles re Toronto and the goings on re planning and architecture all the time, and think of posting them, but most don't have photos - which seem to help engender some kind of response at all. I read a lot, if not all of them...

Lot of articles over time at --- archnewsnow.com
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