I tell this story every year...
In 1970 I was fifteen and outraged by the start of football on Monday nights. Wasn't Saturday and Sunday enough? Apparently not. Even tho my brothers and I agreed at the start of the season to switch back and forth, one week I could watch my shows, Little House on the Prairie and Rhoda, and the next week, they could watch their precious football, it wasn't long before they broke our agreement completely and dismissed me and my protests with a wave of the hand, like big brothers often do.
That Christmas morning, there was a pretty nice-sized giftwrapped box for me under the tree and I had no idea what it was. When I tore off the paper, I leaped back, stunned. My adorable, knuckleheaded brothers had pooled their monies together and bought me a Panasonic 13-inch b & w set for my bedroom, to get me out of their hair on Monday nights once and for all.
I still have that set. I don't use it but I will always keep it.