Yes, lil k, and I am already sorry for becoming so prominant on this thread. But I do this all day... and apparently have burbelling needs to speak about it.
I agree with much posted before I and farmer mentioned structure, just trying to underline need for structure. Given bones to the garden, you know where to put the bench or the birdbath....
or, heh, the dog. Clearly, lying on the babytears.
osso... Mrs. SealPoet is studying Landscape Design at the Arnold Arboretum. Beth? You think we should tell osso about Over The Fence?
Anyway, the official SealPoet answer to the question is...
When we got married just over four years ago we had the reception in our back yard. We were talking about what we should do to decorate... I said we had to tuck in a pair of 'mingo somewhere.
She said a pair of flamingo is tacky.
But a hundred makes a statement.
Union Plastics in Leominster MA will sell them in large quantities...!
A hundred plastic flamingoes?? Really?

Reminds me; I think a bird feeder is important, I enjoy watching the birds
Need a lot of food for 100 flamingoes! Lol!
hmmmmmmmm, do we think OssoB is ready for Over the Fence? :wink:
You wanna hurl me over the fence? This morning?
Flamingoes...reminds me, a couple of years ago, when I had just moved in to my new old house here and had stripped the front yard of existing miscellany and transplanted an apparent dead hedge, all this leaving the front look fairly horrible, one day there alighted a coral plastic flamingo between the public sidewalk and front porch. Aaaaacck, I thought it was some wit was letting me know how terrible it all was.
Found out about a week later it was some sort of radio sponsored thing where if you get a flamingo on your front lawn, you send in money to a charitable foundation (I think think it was about breast cancer) and then put it in someone else's yard. Not knowing that, I swiftly grabbed it and put it in the boxes for the Salvation Army....
I'm only allowed in the garden for specified tasks. Mowing, watering and general fetching and carrying. I am banned from flowerbeds and similar things. Mistaken identity.
I would like a couple of goats tho to save me mowing and they'd be someone to chat with in the tool shed on wet afternoons
Alas, I don't have a garden. But I do have a wisteria, which I assure you all is just as much trouble as a garden! (But I love it.) I'm toying with the idea of letting it run along the front of the metal awning over my deck, but I'm afraid it will wrench the thing off the house...
Wy, you might be right to be afraid, from Wisteria...(check your local nursery, bla bla bla.)
Old, one of the complete joys on my coming up here from LA has been to meet ordinary people with ordinary gardens with goats and sheep...I am new at understanding all this rural stuff. You go buy something in Los Angeles, call me, here I am Alice in Wonderland...
I did go to my local nursery. They asked, do you have a question? I answered, well, I have a wisteria...
They laughed! and sent me over to Laurie, saying, oh, yeah, you have questions, all right!
I'll trim the thing tomorrow...