Wed 6 Dec, 2006 06:32 pm
Hi I had to write about a Winter poem, had to be 50 lines and so far I only got 12 lines!
Plz help me brainstorm the other 42 lines! thank u!
Have you chosen a poem yet, sexylady?
I'm confused- do you have to write a poem or do you have analyze an existing poem? 50 lines is a long poem to write. You say you have 12 lines, could you post them so we could see what you are working with?
Wow, that's a lot of homework for one night.
First it was writing in the style of John Steinbeck, in second person, a description of your room and how it reflects your personality.
Then it was prioritizing and writing about four major events in Steinbeck's life.
And now it is writing a 50 line poem or writing about a 50 line poem.
Is this all from one class and one day's worth of homework?
A dull question but how do you pronounce John Bunyan's surname?