Wow, Soz, I can identify with that completely-- word for word, that could be my mom and me.
I know I just shouldn't mention that there is a site that I spend so much time on, but I can't help but say things like, "Oh, I was talking to someone about such and such," and because of the whole wanting-to-know-what-I'm-up-to-on-an-hour-to-hour-basis thing (man, do I hear you on that) she always asks
where I was talking to someone about such and such. For a long time I managed to get away with not specifying the name of the place, but she finally got it out of me, and then I actually changed my original username so she wouldn't (hopefully) know who I was even if she did come here. Yeesh.
It's not that I say things about her, but I want to have the freedom to start a thread about our nutty relationship if I ever need to. (And of course I want to be able to make jokes she'd be offended by, etc.

I'm glad in a way to know someone else deals with this kind of thing. I don't know anyone else who has a parent who is wants to be
quite so involved as she pushes for. There was no way for me to flat-out refuse to tell her the name of it or ask her not to come here, because she'd be so offended if I said anything that implied I don't want to share everything with her, and I don't have the energy to deal with the blow-up that would ensue if I let her know that...