Sun 26 Nov, 2006 07:01 am
I recently bought a hi-def TV, and I really love it. There seems to be one glitch, and I am not sure why or where it is happening. Apparently, on the NBC high definition channel, every once in awhile, the sound will disappear. When I change to the standard NBC, the sound is there. When I go back to hi-def, the sound has usually come back, seconds later.
I have only noticed this on NBC hi-def, but I will check further. I do not remember it happening on any of the other hi-def channels.
I am wondering if the problem is in my TV, the cable provider, or the NBC hi-def transmission itself. Has anyone else had this experience?
Do make doubly sure it's not happening on any other HD audio channel besides NBC.
I suspect with a high degree of probability that it's either the NBC HD transmission of channel itself or your cable provider. What points me in that direction is that it's only the one HD channel. It's not the cablebox. Let your cable provider know that you're annoyed by the problem and expect some sort of answer or timeframe for a fix.
FWIW, because NBC regular (non-HD audio) channel is not cutting out is helpful for troubleshooting as there's a different carrier used for that type of transmission, as they operate independently on a different channel.
I would notify the cable tech support and ask them to their knowledge whether they know if there's an NBC HD audio issue. Try calling them when this problem is actually happening so they can view it simultaneously. Sometimes (though unlikely) they'll know the answer from the engineers at the NBC affiliate.
Bottom line is that there's nothing you can do to fix this from your end and there's nothing wrong with your setup as you indicate that your other channels work OK.
I've had similar problems like this and it can take a short while or a longer time...depending on the expertise and awarenss of the transmitting source (usually the local network affiliate's enegineering crew). However, they have to be notified that people are noticing this and COMPLAINING about the problem.
Hope this helps.
It happens with us too.
Get used to it.
Apparently, the local channels transmissions still aren't great and they cut out occasionally...primarily during commercials because of the mix of high def and regular commercials.
We were told that there isn't anything to do about it. Maybe that's a lie but I'd just get used to it.
Phoenix32890 wrote:Bella Dea- I did not find that happening during commercials................usually during "Law & Order" when the denouement is happening!
Also, I would get either a garbling of the sound, and a small amount of pixillation, (maybe 1"square"). The woman at the cable company appeared to believe that the audio and video problems were related to the "levels".
Hm....we have had it happen mostly during commercials but it has happened while watching a program. Like I said, we were told that the locals just don't have the best transmission yet or something like that. We get the pixillation's irritating. Sometimes, the scene will pause too...the sound goes on but the picture stays the same. Annoying.
It sucks either way. We almost gave up our high def because we didn't want to pay for channels we couldn't watch.
Bella Dea- I am relieved that the problem does not have to do with my new TV set. Hey, I can remember twisting and turning "rabbit ears" to reduce the snow on black and white transmissions, so to me, this is no big deal. I am confident that it will get better and better!
That's kinda what they told us...that it would get better when better technology came along.
I'd still have them check it out...maybe we have the same problem and my people can't figure it out and your's will be able to.