In my home, I never log off anything. In my community center, if I go on the internet, not only do I log off, but I delete the cache! had better talk to me about that. What is it and how do you delete it?
Mapleleaf-When you have been on the internet, the places that you have been are stored in a temporary file, called a "cache". The advantage of this, is that if you have a slow connection, the page will come up faster if it is in the cache.
The downside is, that sometimes certain web pages can cause freezes and/or crashes. I make it my business to delete my cache at least once a day. The first time that I did it, it had so much junk that it took 20 minutes to clear. Now it takes a minute or less.
When you are on any web page, on the top, left, you will see "Tools".
Go to tools> internet options> temporary internet files (in the middle of the page)> delete files. a box will pop up. Click OK. When the egg timer becomes an arrow, it is done!
Re: Craven
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:Craven, if we don't log off, does that give spammers more opportunities to get our e-mail addresses?
I get 40 to 50 spams each day and its getting worse. I keep blocking them but they increase like crab grass. Its driving me nuts.
Logging out has no effect on spam. If your e-mail addy is posted anywhere on the WWW you can bet someone will find it and use it to send spam eventually. A lot of places that ask for an e-mail addy to register on their site also sell those addresses that they collect.
These are just a few of the reasons to use a "throw away" freebie e-mail account for registering at any site. If the junk mail gets excessive you just open a new e-mail account and ignore the old one entirely.
Note that deleting your cache daily is a completely unecessary act.
If anyone for some reason is against cache they should simply turn it off.
Yahoo email openly solicits junk mail to your email, even to other emaol accounts than the one you have with them. I deleted almost every vestige of Yahoo from my computer after I figured out the were allowing spam into my account.
I haven't ever fooled with my IE cache, and see that it could possibly help to clean it out once in a while. Cleaning it out doesn't make Favorites unavailable at all, just not available offline, right?
You never clean out the cache, Craven? Sorry, this is a tangent to the main question, but one I have been wondering about.
I never delete my entire cache. I just delete what I don't want to be in there. A cache can be very useful.
Cleaning it out doesn't make Favorites unavailable at all, just not available offline, right?
I've always thought it was best to empty the cache at least once a day, as Phoenix said. My question is: how do you turn it off?
Soozoo- I think that it was more critical when computers had smaller hard drives. Deleting the cache would make the computer run faster.
Even so, with bigger drives, I like to delete the cache for the other reason that I mentioned. Once as a new computer user, I was having a lot of problems with crashes and freezes.
A knowledgable person told me that sometimes you open a page that is not 100%, and it can cause problems. She told me to delete the cache. Once I deleted the cache, the problem stopped.
This thread has become very helpful. Thank-you all.
Doh, I just went to clean out the cache, followed the directions printed here....and found out that was the same as the cookies, which I do clean out individually from time to time. This dang terminology...