RexRed wrote:Green Witch wrote:RexRed wrote:
that's it... children are shooting up the schools as a cry for real fruit juices and help. My God, you're a genius.
Glad you can make light of childrens health issues.
Rex, do you care as much that corporations are strip mining mountains, polluting our water and air with heavy metals and creating products like Scotchguard and Teflon that poison our children? Or is it more important to have a strong economy?
I care deeply about those issues also and "children are our most precious natural resource". The economy should never trump the health of the earth or children and the public in general.
People keep talking about a "level playing field" using that as an excuse to break ethical codes of conduct themselves. Why not set an example?
Today even trash is big business where it only takes forward thinking to solve many of these problems of waste and excess.
Thank you for answering. I agree with you. While I'm not a flag waving Democrat, I don't understand your support of the Republican party that has certainly done more to hurt the weakest people in our country. Everything from decreasing health services to children to passing laws that favor giving corporations a license to pollute. I understand your feelings about companies that market crappy products, like these energy drinks, but I don't understand your defense of the party that makes it easy for companies to get away with greed over good. It has mostly been Republicans that have advocated putting fast food into school cafeterias to keep down taxes. Almost all bills that allow weaker food safety regulations have been Republican sponsored. I can condemn Bill Clinton for giving the southern chicken producers like Tyson plenty of perks, but the main wave of bad food ideas have been sponsored by the other party.
Have you read Michael Pollan's book "The Omnivore's Dilemma" or "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser. They will really get the fire going under you. Personally, I think the problem can be solved when people just reject junk food and demand the government stop giving Agra-biz a profitable reason to make this crap. However, I'm not ready to outlaw caffeine laced drinks. I think, in this case, education is a better solution.