coluber2001 wrote:I've always questioned giving caffeine to young kids. Don't they have enough energy? Most parents wouldn't let their kids drink coffee, so why heavily caffeinated soft drinks?
Even for weight loss caffeine does not work. Anything but exercise huh?
Anyone who would dispense caffeine to a teen is a crack head.
You can't tell me these studies on caffeine have not been done. The cigarette companies knew the effects of tobacco on human health long before the government ever informed us.
I am absolutely positive that these energy drinks will lead to serious public health issues in the not so distant future. Who is going to pay then?
Are they even putting warnings on the drinks? Why do we even have a surgeon general? Why the heck aren't they doing their job?
We need to get these special interest crooks out of Washington.
I will be voting for Bush but with the hesitation that these drugs have been peddled on his watch.
I will be writing a testimony in my next post here.
I can feel one coming on. Sometimes the only way people understand is to see caffeine wreck someone's life then maybe they will listen seriously.