Sun 22 Oct, 2006 05:36 pm
Can any one help please with these two anagrams. My thesaurus doesn't help with the first and neither does wordsmith
1) QUITS TAIL OF (11 letters - 1 word) clue - Fortune teller
2) Find 2 words to fit the blanks and make sense of this sentence AND
the 2 words are anagrams of each other eg RATS and STAR
I guess the capital O is a clue in some way as is the last few words
"the Old lady ........... used to sell ........... before they went out of fashion"
Type it in.
Go to "search".
If there is one it will be there.
Good luck.
Thanks for your help
Spendius - Your second reply with BTW ...... is I'm afraid to say falling on stoney ground. Could you go a tad further and explain please