dadpad wrote:Green Witch wrote:I'll have to see if I can find the study, but I recently saw something about young girls who regularly eat beef and consume a lot of (cows) milk tend to develop larger breasts than previous generations of their family. They think there might be a connection with the hormones that are used on our livestock and the ingesting of these animals, their milk and their milk products.
More likely to do with the amount of and quality of food.
I don't think that's necessarily more likely-- there've been a lot of studies that find a link between girls hitting puberty earlier and the hormones in meat and dairy.
Quote: opinions vegetarians have larger or smaller breasts than the general run of population?
Hmm, you'd have to control for when they became veggie-- I would think most people do that after puberty. At least, most that I've known had to wait to become veg until they were living on their own, so well after puberty. I was already the smallest-breasted girl on the block well before becoming vegetarian, personally...