You think so?....
Well at least I got people interested and now I'm getting a lot of siggestions.
I've checked out three books from the library thanks to all your siggestions. Thanks guys!
Green Witch wrote:All the books he mentions as having loved have both those traits. In L0TR we are often given a serious look into the thoughts of characters and plenty of long (as in paragraphs and paragraphs) of straight out descriptions. I think the poster just likes to be a fuss pot. I hope he will let us know when his book is published and we can critique it.
Anyway, I'd love to debate your statement. First I agree with the Fus Pot, I am fusy; but if I'm going to spend my time doing something I'm going to enjoy it. Life is a limited time offer you know.
I disagree though, that Tolkien had a lot of interior monolouge or description of thoughts. The closest thing I know of (and I've had this debate before) is the time when Sam has the One Ring and wants to be Samwise the Great. But that really felt to me more like the description of a vision Sam actually experienced which is certainly fair game in my mind.
By the way, who said I was a novelist?