~I love lists. Some of these, I can't make even a guess:~
Is the Universe 15 billion years old: ~likely closer to 12 billion years old~
http://www.aish.com/societywork/sciencenature/Age_of_the_Universe.asp Is Asthma cured by sardines: ~ No, but sardines may help a little~
Was Colin Powell right about WMD in Iraq: ~Likely some biological weapons are hidden there; perhaps even some nukes; they may have found both, but are keeping quiet because of the Made in ____ on most of the stuff~
Does John Edwards talk to the dead: ~Likely some other entity is deceiving John, and/or John is a skilled lier~
Did we land on the moon: ~yes/99%certain~
Do Brain enhancers work: ~They likely do something/enhance unlikely~
Does physics invalidate Evolution: ~No, nor does evolution invalidate religion~
- Do Magnets make you healthy: ~I had some success with relieving minor pains next to a magnet/ perhaps even partial cure/ my guess they rarely make anyone healthy~
How about Magnets and other stuff:
Is tongue rolling genetic:
What causes Gamma Ray Bursts: ~Some recent thinking is some neutron stars and black hole accreation disks produce a very focused beam of gamma ray that occassionally pans across Earth~
Is the Sun going to explode: ~About one chance in a trillion for this century unless there is an unknown mechanism/probably never unless you count the swelling to red giant size in about 5 billion years~
~ What killed the dinosaurs. ~ Likely that big asteriod hit near the Yucatan in SE Mexico~
Are my stocks going to go up or down
Can we deflect asteroids before they hit the Earth ~ not this year, but we can deflect half of them next decade if we spend a trillion dollars wisely, starting imediately.
Are computers going to get smart and take over ~not this decade, but probable in our future if humans continue to progress in the recent paths~
Will genetic crops cause problems ~ they already have and things will worsen as the years move on~
Is the ozone hole going to give us all a nasty sunburn ~only if you live close to the north or South Pole/Even there the hazzard is moderate.
Is pollution and human activity causing global warming ~humans likely are responsible for about 0.5 degrees c = 0.8 f of the warming~
Will Stem Cell research help us medically or corrupt us morally ~It will help us medically somewhat and be responsible for about 1% of our moral corruption~
Are the stories I read in the NY Times accurate ~about as good as the National Enquirer or the Jeff Rense radio show. Less accurate than Micheal Savage or Neil Bortz~
Is Michael Jackson crazy and broke
Will it rain tomorrow ~ yes, in at least 10,000 separate locations on planet Earth~
Is that guy selling that used car telling me the truth ~very unlikely~
Did OJ do it ~very likely
Is Elvis really dead ~Yes, but his spirit is living on and Elvis will be resurrected at the end of the millenium~
Am I dreaming ~very improbable~
There are hundreds, if not thousands of answers to almost any question you can ask ~most of the answers are likely flawed if not dead wrong~ Given that anything can be claimed, how should the general population go about estimating the veracity of information? ~You have little chance of getting much right unless the Holy Ghost will help you. Neil~