Wed 27 Sep, 2006 08:14 am
I went to a concert last night, and I was talking with my buddy about the fact that I was probably the only person there with a paperback novel in my back pocket. In fact, I'd bet that there aren't more than a hundred other guys in the whole city of New York that walk around with a book in their back pocket all the time.
What do you think? In general, is a guy who reads perceived as a weakling, a loser, a nerd? I am pretty sure that if you put a guy wearing a tool belt up against a guy with a book in his back pocket, women are going to be way more likely to drool over the tool belt guy, but I just wanted to know if the reading thing is an automatic turn-off, or just a little less interesting than the rugged, tool-swinging dude.
So ladies, when you're walking behind a guy on the street and you see a book sticking out of his back pocket, do you think "geek" or do you think, "I gotta get me a piece o' that?"
You should read about tools....
Sexiest part of a man is his brain.
Depends on what you're reading, of course.
Sexy, totally. The first few conversations I had with E.G. were about books. (He started the first one based on a T-shirt I had on featuring an obscure author he'd actually read.) Gives a great opening line if a specific book is spotted, too -- "hey I read that, what do you think of it?"
Better yet, slip that book into your toolbelt.
Now THAT would be sexy.
Being a woman who has spent a lot of time with a book in her purse, I'd notice the book guy first, though wouldn't always rule out a tool guy. A book guy probably has curiosity, a quality I'm in favor of. Depending on the book he carries.. preferably not the same one year in and year out.
It isn't the tool belt but the implication that the man is good with his hands that makes a tool belt sexy. And, of course, there is the added bonus that he can do home repairs.
Same with books. If he's carrying a current bestselller paperback it isn't so interesting but if he is carrying a book that looks a little challenging, it is very interesting and sexy. it seems that since it matters which book it is, the chances are better for the tool guy. I mean, what are the chances that I'm reading that certain book that a specific woman is going to be interested in? But with the tool guy, I'm guessing any tool will do.
kickycan it seems that since it matters which book it is, the chances are better for the tool guy. I mean, what are the chances that I'm reading that certain book that a specific woman is going to be interested in? But with the tool guy, I'm guessing any tool will do.
It IS nerdy to worry about whether a book is sexy, though.
Reminds me of a female friend that was in T's graduate program. This was in Lubbock, TX, not a place renouned for liberality, feminism, or intellectual encouragement.
She was sitting in Barnes and Noble, sipping coffee and reading, when a cute guy came up and asked what she was reading.
She showed him the title, a philosophical treatise, and he just deflated and said, "Oh."
She said it broke her heart to watch him walk away....
dlowan wrote:It IS nerdy to worry about whether a book is sexy, though.
Yes, but is it sexy to be nerdy? Oooh, that's deep.
kickycan wrote:dlowan wrote:It IS nerdy to worry about whether a book is sexy, though.
Yes, but is it sexy to be nerdy? Oooh, that's deep.
You're gonna disappear up your own bum one day.
I would say that depends on the book.
Also depends on the toolguy..
...and the size of his tool....
Sweet Thistle Kicky, I don't think your sex appeal is in question.
But can you tell us the title or at least subject matter of the book? Then we can give you a thumbs up or down as to its appeal.
Well, it's always different. Currently it's a fun, shoot-em-up Elmore Leonard novel called "The Hot Kid."
Before that it was "The Metamophosis" by Franz Kafka.
Before that it was "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance," a classic novel with a strong focus on a deep philosophical approach to life.
Any of those get your motor running?
i tend to read books at home, out and about i'll have a newspaper or magazine, and maybe a book playing on my mp3