Mon 9 Jun, 2003 11:55 am
What are your favorite magazines and why? I don't read that many anymore because I am irritated with content, price and advertising.
I have a subscription to Real Simple. I think it's pretty decent and well put together. I use to get Martha Stewart, but the ads are 2/3 of the pages and it costs top dollar. Besides, I do not live on 100 acres to plant every flower imaginable nor do I have an extra armoire lying around to store ribbons in. (Who are these people?)
I have purchased Book Magazine as a gift for someone because it sounded good, but I've never actually read it. I use to get Consumer Reports, but every issue was about vehicles. How about everyday things, and don't you already have 5 'special' auto issues a year?
I also get National Geographic. Over the years I've gone from reading every word to wondering how they can continue to print such drivel. "There I was, there I was, there I was...IN the Congo!" How the mighty have fallen.
What do you read if you pass a newsstand and what do you renew your subscription to year after year?
I receive a subscription to the
New Yorker every year for Christmas. There's a new issue every week, so they have a tendency to back up on my coffee table. And the writings a mixed bag - I generally skip outright the fiction/poetry submissions. But overall it's worthwhile, with some great non-fiction articles.
Book Magazine is decent read, but nothing too heavy or in-depth. It's kinda like the
People Magazine of the book world.
My only subscription is to Wild Bird. Given my interest in birds which includes banding hawks during the fall migration it's the only magazine I could find to answer a passion I've had for many years. Almost everything else can be found online.
Nowadays I only subscribe to "Consumers Reports" and "This Old House" magazines. I used to get quite a few but their cost keeps increasing and there is more/better stuff on-line. For some reason I do tend to hit the magazine stands whenever I fly anywhere. I usually grab something from the sciences.. "Nature" or something along that line.
I dig Maxim, Playboy, and of course, midgetpornweekly.
And although not exactly a "magazine," the Victoria's Secret catalogue is a great publication.
Guilty pleasure

: Vanity Fair and if you subscribe, it's only about a dollar per issue - love to read Dominick Dunne and Christopher Hitchens
Newsweek: was a gift subscription, but I still thumb through it; CountZ, this one, however, does not pile up because I toss them weekly whether I've finished them or not . . .
A few years ago I left all my susbscriptions to the wind and only pick something up when it catches my eye, looks to have something interesting of content, etc.
The last one I got rid of was Country magazine which had brilliant photography and no ads <other than for other affilliated mags> and some really corny but cute stories.
I think you can get most information on line now and would rather that then the consistanly towering pile on the coffee table that go unread or uninteresting.
I have subscriptions to Farm & Country, Canadian Gardening, Remenise, Light & Tasty, and crafting tradition.
Food & Wine (I never seem to try their recipes, but everything looks beautiful)
Sports Illustrated (we both read it cover to cover - very well-written)
National Geographic & Smithsonian (I'm letting the NatGeo subscription run out as these are pretty similar)
Business 2.0 (computer business stuff and trends, it helps me here a bit, actually)
Boston (mainly for their list issues, like Best of Boston and the best doctors. Otherwise, I don't need to read yet another article on the Bulgers)
I think everything else we get is due to things like where I went to school (Bostonia magazine [BU alumni]), which sorority I pledged (The Arrow [Pi Beta Phi]) or which charities we've supported (various ASPCA-type publications).
Slappy: Midget Porn Weekly has gone out of business. Seems most of their paid subscribers were a little short.
mining and Quarrying--Exciting articles on really big excavations
Academy of Forensic Sciences Bulletin -not so exciting , sorta gross
Modern laboratory-
Maine Antiques Digest
Inland Fisherman
Bay Fisherman
Indian Artifact Magazine
I have gotten National Geog. for nearly 2 decades, Discover mag for maybe 7 years, Yoga Journal for a couple years.
I love Nat Geog, but sometimes it does seem moslty ads and fluff. Some issues are still stunning though. I was an anthro major and much of the stuff in the mag relates to that. That mag and Discover speak to the science junkie in me as well. Discover has a nicely ecclectic mix of topics and it's written for the lay-person. The second year of the yoga journal was an accident, I signed my Mom up, but she signed herself up as well. So, they defaulted the issues to me. That's fine with me.
My name is eoe and I'm a magazineaholic.
Marie Claire
Vanity Fair
House & Garden
Martha Stewart Living
Garden Design
Regular Purchases:
Real Simple
Garden Shed
Elle Home
It's a challenge to read them all but somehow I do.
TIME And Fortune
Sometimes I look at FHM - but that is purely to find out what the latest fashions are.....
I get both
Time and
Newsweek as a result of having contributed to NPR pledge drives (I'm a radioholic, seldom watch TV). I also get (and sometimes even read)
Atlantic Monthly and
New Yorker.
Jespah, I, too, used to get
Bostonia but, after my most recent move a couple of years ago, seem to have finally succeeded in giving the Alumni Office the slip. They don't have my address any more. Hee hee.
eoe wrote:My name is eoe and I'm a magazineaholic.
Marie Claire
Vanity Fair
House & Garden
Martha Stewart Living
Garden Design
Regular Purchases:
Real Simple
Garden Shed
Elle Home
It's a challenge to read them all but somehow I do.
Holy jumpin! I barely have time to read the one's I have. Phew! I'm exausted just thinking about reading all those, lol!
I subscribe to Newsweek since I don't watch TV news and my paper doesn't cover everything.
I subscribe to Esquire because I think it has the best writing of any magazine plus, David Sedaris is a regular contributor and they have the Dubious Achievement Awards every year.
I subscribe to Smithsonian becuase it covers such an amazing variety of subjects.
Every once in a while I'll pick up something else just to check it out.