Fri 22 Sep, 2006 09:11 am
I have really tried to find the answers to these questions, but am now flummoxed! Please help if you can, really appreciated.
1. Logically, which two letters complete this sequence: ND ND ESD NES RS ID ??.
2. Which common English word is pronounced differently when it is used to describe a certain nationality?
3. Which novel, in English, and the famous film made from it, is an anagram of QUEEN TOLERATES THROWN FLINT?
2. Polish
(Working on the others)
Many thanks fresco, makes sense when you know the answer.
1. suNDay moNDay tuESDay wedNESday thuRSday frIDay satURday
Hi fresco, brilliant, so quick too, thank you so much.
Thanks for the entertainment
Fresco, clever, very clever, quizzer, here is another one: In a certain James Bond film that had nothing to do with the novel of the same name, what was the amphibious Lotus Esprit called whose ingenious design enabled it to function underwater, and even fire missiles from there?
A google search gives this
Quote:The Lotus submersible (the Lotus Esprit underwater car or Lotus submarine car) was code named Esther Williams in an early draft of the script and was also nicknamed by the crew as Wet Nellie.
Great fresco, I tried Google, but obviously not well enough. Many, many thanks for your time. Really appreciated.
Hey fresco- I'm impressed.
You should join the low-life on Trivia more often. Acronyms especially.
...just waitlng for "mi tea" as we say in up North !
Choice of 3 keywords is crucial on Google.
Try "Underwater Lotus Name".
Underwear not detached expertly requires wearer's attentions to eradicate rumpled lollipop or to underwrite some nice ambrosiacal massage experiences.
Is that what you meant. I Googled it and nothing showed. It gave me an understated bollocking in fact.
Try acronyms sometime.