Thu 21 Sep, 2006 10:23 pm
Well here I am at the half way mark of completing the above.
Unfortunately, I cannot work out the following. Perhaps I may have something amiss. Would appreciate some assistance with this Clue.
Across 159 Making thinnner Answer LI?U?ING
Many thanks.
Back to completing the bottom half in the meantime. ;-)
Could the 'L' possibly wrong?
It could be DILUTING
That has helped a lot.
Diluting it is. I had the 'L' wrong.
139 Down Retails I had Sells which I have no changed to VenDs.
Thanks for that. I looked at that one for ever so long and the penny never dropped.
Not bad smorgs. First thing in the morning an' all.
Hi EscapePod
As suggested by smorgs, the answer is "diluting"
You obviously have "sells" for 139d, but that should be "vends".
Hope this helps.
...and I'm blonde (natural)
No one suggested you were a "dumb blonde"
Thanks again smorgs.
Just this very moment finished the last half. A few traps even in amongst the last half, but got through unscathed. ;-)
Thanks Dutchy. Yes, the penny dropped as soon as I saw Diluted. That one sure had me scratching the old noggin.