I dislike ketchup. (most other forms of tomato concoctions are fine though)
I dislike not knowing the answers to the Marlboro contest
I dislike obsessive compulsive disorder
I dislike people (edit 3) opening (edit 2) up a thread and finding I have been piped before I could post: not (edit1) knowing the answers to the Marlboro contest (Good afternoon Stormy)
I dislike roasting chestnuts over an open fire (Hi! How are you?)
I dislike serving chestnuts
( All good here, day is almost over..you?)
I dislike treating people like dirt
I dislike very unclean people
I dislike very unclean people
(A2K so terribly slow

I dislike x-tremes of anything
I dislike Yeti's on the mountain
I dislike zoos where the animals are mistreated