Chai Tea wrote:really? how do you find it more salacious? [..]
Actually I find my picture lovely, she's not staring like at cat in heat at the camera, she's wearing pants that go all the way to her waist, bosom evident but not thrust out into space. You might call it suductive, but certainly not salacious.
The other picture merely invites someone to tuck a $20 into her my judgement.
Well - I'm no Nicole Smith fan at
all - but FWIW, I certainly like your picture better ;-).
But I also think that of the two, it is actually the more sexually suggestive one. The bikini cheesecake one is just 13 in a dozen lad magazine stuff, whereas in yours, with her fingers where they are, there's a much more direct suggestion to the actual act of well, more than just sitting pretty.
So I dont really get the whole indignation about cj's picture being inappropriate and yours not - or what the difference is supposed to be, exactly. One sexpot picture or another one - yours is more in your (and my) style, but its still a sexpot picture, so..? Yeah. I'm guessing thats what Merry meant too.
Also, on that same sentence:
Chai Tea wrote:Actually I find my picture lovely, she's not staring like at cat in heat at the camera, she's wearing pants that go all the way to her waist, bosom evident but not thrust out into space.
This I guess is what I was kinda getting at in my other post: I mean, thats what she did, isnt it? Wearing little in the ways of pants, ample bosom always proudly thrust in the viewers face, is what Anna Nicole Smith was all about. Thats her, thats how she chose to profile herself, make her name, image and money.
So thats what I mean that theres something that feels a bit weird in, you know - making a point of paying respect to her (I know, its her son that died, shes still alive) - while at the same time, in reaction to cjhsa's post, kinda implying that what she's actually all about is somehow, you know ... kinda embarassing / disapprovable. Whereas I'm guessing that Smith is quite proud of those pics. You know?