BHPSteel - VIRUS ALERT W32/ Bugbear .b@MM - BHPSteel
A new variation of the W32/ Bugbear virus is spreading on the Internet. This virus spreads via email and network shares. Detection has been deployed to the BHP Billiton Internet mail gateways. An emergency virus signature is currently being deployed to detect the virus.
The virus searchs infected machines for email addresses and will send copies of itself to these addresses. It spoofs the sender address and therefore does not come from the sender in the email. Attachments will have random names, but will have extensions EXE, PIF or SCR. Please do not use any attachment in an email that you do not expect.
NOTE: The original version of this virus caused printers to print garbage. This may not happen this time as it was a fault in the original W32/Bugbear.a@MM virus.
Details of virus available at URL