I'm frightened of them. They are smart, and they seem to be attracted to me.
I'd like some advice on how to deal with them. How do you get them to leave you alone?
Ok, well, I've give a bit more info. The crows here are fat, plentiful, and not very afraid of people. But they more or less will leave you be. Nothing to be concerned over, unless you're a scaredy like me.
But I'm going further north for a visit soon. I've seen pictures and heard stories of the crows being as big as cats and dogs. Monstrous. And not afraid of people at all. They have free reign. I've even heard stories of the crows occasionally attacking people and animals (when they are alive

I am freaked. I know logically that nothing will likely happen, but I will have to deal with co-existing with these guys. I don't want to be looking overhead constantly. Just want to feel a bit prepared, y'know.
Even some of the crows here don't fly away when I yell and open my arms at them. They seem to sense that they can bug me or something.

They'll come flying up close to my head and over my shoulders. I know from experience that being aggressive with them doesn't work (they used to hang out near my apple trees, only riled them up if apples were thrown overhead). ...(and no, I don't try to hurt them, just want them to stay away).
Yeah, I realize this is a bit silly, but if there were one creature I had to say I truly fear it is
What's the best way to act around them?
I know what to do if I encounter a bear, or a wolf, or other supposedly dangerous animals...but the crows are the ones worrying me.