What can I say, underneath the teasing, a soft spot for hippies, er, bunnies...but seriously, I love you all. A2K is a truly fab community

Crushes everywhere!
You're a Love, cav ~ crushes right back to ya!
Good to have such a crushy place. :-D
Who's got a CRUSH on pussycats ? I do believe Rae has. sooooo
a little download to bring a smile to your eyes
OAK, I just received that link from a friend yesterday. Isn't it hillarious?
Nisse and Mysan say thank you! To have a look at Nisse and Mysan - click
here. They love being famous
Urs ==== great pictures of your cats. They look as if butter wouldn't melt in their mouths but knowing cats, I bet they rule the roost.
OaK, I loved that! Thanks for the link!
I'm in stitches! I love those kitties!
OAK, actually they are little monsters! But we love them!
I did, I do, and I'm still not telling ... I know, I'm no fun, but I know how to keep a secret!
Just a hint, Ma! That's all we're asking!
Okay, just one hint ... his name begins with a capital letter!
That was a very important hint, Misti! :-)
Are we allowed to have non a2k crushes as well ??
I had a crush, but then he crushed me

, so be careful of judging someone by their posting personality

. Oh, well, neeeeeeext

I have been having a little stroll and a rummage through the educational realms of the internet. In the course of my adventure I discovered that the collective noun for a whole bunch of shoppers is a, wait fo it. Yes >>>>> A CRUSH. So if you have a crush on a whole load of people you can experience a multiple CRUSH all at the same time in your favorite shopping mall, groovy eh
You can also have a CRUSH OF ICEBURGS, so take care if your CRUSH of the year is an Escimo, they live in a strange neighborhood and remember the Titanic, that Winslet woman has never been the same since she was forced to downgrade from Posh to Rowing Boat 2nd class