Yeah, I get very busy at this time of the year, so I basically pop in and out when I get the chance. How's everything? It's always great to see you as well ;-)
We do not love Pueo anymore - we being the Oz women.
he knows why.
I wasn't crushed on before
and I'm not crushed on now
so I am crushed
not in the warm mushycrushed way
more of the slushycrushed way
which is colder
but with a bit of cocacola can
taste sweet
i have a crush on no one. lust however is another issue.
You're right, we did just have a crush thread recently.
Nothin wrong with spreadin some more love!
My updated list:
Joe Nation
Breaks my heart to see my name missing from the updated list. Better collect all the pieces from the floor beofre the cleaners come in !
tee hee
once upon a time there were three nuns who went to confession...
1st nun - Father, I have been bad. I saw a man's....errr.umm..
Priest - That's bad, go wash yr eyes with holy water.
2nd nun- Father, I have been bad. I touched a man's...errr.umm..
Priest - That's bad, go wash yr hands with holy water
3rd nun - Father....never mind, I will just go and gargle with holy water
Personally, I could never encompass my A2K crushes into one short list....
are, that is
us men
that is
but maybe
I am happy now to be crushed.
Am I happy that I am on the list AHEAD of Codeborg?

Once I had a secret CRUSH
That lived within the heart of me
All too soon my secret CRUSH
Became impaitient to be free
So I told a friendly web site
the way that surfers often do
Just how wonderful you are
And why im so in CRUSH with you
Now I shout it from the internet
Even told the golden daffodils
At last my hearts an open door
And my secret CRUSH is no secret anymore.
Oh. I thought this was the squashing thread.
My mistake... I'm always misreading women.
Nerves I guess.
But, eh, wow... what does Cav got?!? Jeez!
He's got multiple listings! Does that mean... ? No, probably not.
At least I don't think so.
And Joe, man he's an upright guy. You gotta admire a guy
with poetry like that, deep and powerful words week after week.
But I could still do better than both of 'em... heh.
What place am I in now?
Jeez look, now we're competing for it! Are we not men?!
Ah, that's okay I guess... I don't care.
It's only a crush thread on a little website.
I haven't even started to compete, really. No worries.
Hah, such silly jealousy ... "pick me! pick me!"
I think the only way around it is for everyone to crush everyone.
When there's an abundance of crush,
then nobody feels lacking or struggling to compete with others.
Or maybe if people just learn to crush themselves,
then they walk around fully satisfied and giving crush
to everyone around them. Just because it's overflowing
from that place of pure crush, deep inside.
Yeah, the world needs more of it alright.
Crush is good. I guess I'll stick around.
Anybody want some Orange?
I crush Joe too!
Sheesh. Men are so sensitive. I don't see any of you boys laying out the lists.
everybody's got one
everybody's got one
everybody's got one
but cavfancier's got... five?
(with apologies to the late mr. silverstein)
i'll crush ya, kay. i'll crush you all. it's springtime outside (finally), and i've got pollen in my blood.
CodeBorg had a pretty good one. Evidently we share Cleveland-sized brains and riverish hearts, littlek.
CodeBorg gets a great big squash from me. (It's good in goulash.)
Yeah, littlek...I'm feeling rather left out myself.