Thu 29 May, 2003 07:04 pm
My current crushes are.....
Guatam (for what it's worth)
cicerone imposter
And any other male member of this fabulous site that I failed to mention.....
I'm absolutely floored with all the responses ~ jeez! Slow down folks!
Miss Rae is going to sleep now.....
I want to see responses when I wake up tomorrow!

I guess I will cry myself to sleep tonight and pretend the tears are yours Rae, each one a harsh rose petal on my heart... <sniff>
I swear it is some sort of beef they use at Mickey D's, just not Alberta beef at the mo', but we are getting that mad cow disease thing under control

[insert tie flipping and cigar waving here]
And eyebrow waggling. Can't forget eyebrow waggling.
True enough...<sigh> it's okay not having a crush on me Rae, I don't mind living high school all over again....
Ok, ok, I have a crush on cav, cav can relax.
I wonder if anyone on a2k has a crush on me. Doubtful, but a girl can always dream...
Didn't we just do a crush thread? What's changed since then?
well for one thing, i've been dropped off of rae's list
Well, you DID drop of a2k for a while there.....
Hi. My name's Code. CodeBorg. Howya doin? :-)
Never been squashed before.
Sounds like fun though.
What do we have to do?
... Is it too late to sign up?
I'm still kinda new so I don't really know.
My number's not very big, but quantity, they say, ...
Are you sure I'm in the right thread?
Oh, I hope I get in, Rae is really cool!
She always has a great attitude and wonderful insights.
I like her posts a lot. There's a lot to like, y'know!
Sozobe and LittleK too ... they're awful cute,
with brains the size of Cleveland and hearts like a river.
I won't even start with Anastasia and Mamajuana and
Phoenix and Dagmaraka and oh, I could go on...
Is this thread for all of them, or just Rae?
I never got a ticket, so I'm just seeing what'll happen.
Do you think it would be unfaithful if I loved, y'know,
what everybody posts, and not just hers?
I hope she doesn't mind.
Maybe I just won't mention that part.
Well. Good to see ya.
Oh! Codeborg is new since the last crush thread!
I'll crush ya cborg!
Ooh! :-D I feel so squishy!
Is this what's it's like? I feel like a Pepsi can that's been halfway squashed then stretched out again!
littlek wrote:Well, you DID drop of a2k for a while there.....
just for a while. real life, work, and a little trip to the land down under.
I still have a crush on everyone. Well, almost everyone.
Hey there Pueo
Long time no see.
aloha montana, always great to "see" you.
you've been away for awhile yourself, right?