FEMME MENTALE: difference re male & female brains

Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 09:20 am
Sunday, August 6, 2006
San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco neuropsychiatrist says differences between women's and men's brains are very real, and the sooner we all understand it, the better
Joe Garofoli, Chronicle Staff Writer

Louann Brizendine's feminist ideals were forged in the 1970s, so the UCSF neuropsychiatrist is aware that some parts of her new book, "The Female Brain," sound politically incorrect.

Such as the part about how a financially independent woman may talk about finding a soul mate, but when she meets a prospective mate her brain is subconsciously sizing up his portfolio. Or the part describing the withdrawal pains moms feel when they return to work and can no longer cop a hormonal high from breast-feeding their babies.

Women have come a long way toward equality over the past 50 years, but the Yale-trained Brizendine, 53, says her research indicates that human brains are still wired for Stone Age necessities.

Male and female brains are different in architecture and chemical composition, asserts Brizendine. The sooner women -- and those who love them -- accept and appreciate how those neurological differences shape female behavior, the better we can all get along.

Start with why women prefer to talk about their feelings, while men prefer to meditate on sex.

"Women have an eight-lane superhighway for processing emotion, while men have a small country road," she writes. Men, however, "have O'Hare Airport as a hub for processing thoughts about sex, where women have the airfield nearby that lands small and private planes."

Untangling the brain's biological instincts from the influences of everyday life has been the driving passion of Brizendine's life -- and forms the core of her book. "The Female Brain" weaves together more than 1,000 scientific studies from the fields of genetics, molecular neuroscience, fetal and pediatric endocrinology, and neurohormonal development. It is also significantly based on her own clinical work at the Women's and Teen Girls' Mood and Hormone Clinic, which she founded at UCSF 12 years ago. It is the only psychiatric facility in the country with such a comprehensive focus.

A man's brain may be bigger overall, she writes, but the main hub for emotion and memory formation is larger in a woman's brain, as is the wiring for language and "observing emotion in others." Also, a woman's "neurological reality" is much more deeply affected by hormonal surges that fluctuate throughout her life.

Brizendine uses those differences to explain everything from why teenage girls feverishly swap text messages during class, to why women fake orgasms to why menopausal women leave their husbands.

So the next time parents scold their daughters for excessive text messaging, consider Brizendine's neurological explanation:

"Connecting through talking activates the pleasure centers in a girl's brain. We're not talking about a small amount of pleasure. This is huge. It's a major dopamine and oxytocin rush, which is the biggest, fattest neurological reward you can get outside of an orgasm."

Part road map for women looking for scientific explanations for their behavior, part geeky manual for relationship woes, "The Female Brain" already has become fodder for the morning chat shows. On the "Today" show this week, one critic downplayed the book's explanation of gender differences, saying men and women are "more like North Dakota and South Dakota."

Brizendine's goal isn't man-bashing (despite snippets like "the typical male brain reaction to an emotion is to avoid it at all costs"). Instead, she celebrates the differences.

"There is no unisex brain," Brizendine writes. "Girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by the time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values and their very reality."

Brizendine's book offers a 2 1/2-page appendix on the female brain and sexual orientation, but she doesn't mention transgender folks. Sexual orientation, she writes, "does not appear to be a matter of conscious self-labeling but a matter of brain wiring." All women are wired for a sexual orientation during fetal development, and "the behavioral expression of her brain wiring will then be influenced and shaped by environment and culture."

That's not to say either sex is more intelligent. Just different, Brizendine said. Nor do she or other scientists who study the brain, like Bruce S. McEwen, a Rockefeller (N.Y.) University brain researcher, dismiss the role that parenting and environment and experience play in shaping a person.

"The basic idea is that men and women approach the same problems in somewhat different ways, at least in part because of the biological differences in the brain, which in turn interact with experience -- the nature-nurture story," said McEwen.

"This does not imply whether either sex is superior ... but it does provide the basis for such cultural sayings as 'Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus.' "

Indeed, "The Female Brain" covers ground that has been tilled, to various degrees, in books from 1993's "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus" to 1999's "The First Sex," to last year's "The Mommy Brain: How Motherhood Makes Us Smarter." Brizendine takes the research a step further and stretches it to cover a female's life from womb through menopause.

Katherine Ellison, author of "The Mommy Brain," said Brizendine represents a trend among neuroscientists who have been inspired by their experiences as parents to investigate what scientists have recently dubbed "the maternal brain."

"It has become more OK to talk about brain differences between genders over the past few years, whereas before, if you said men and women were 'different,' it seemed to imply women were at a disadvantage," said Ellison, who lives in San Anselmo. "Now scientists are pointing out some clear advantages of the female brain, and in particular the 'mommy brain.' "

Among the more controversial subjects addressed in Brizendine's book is: Can new mothers successfully juggle career and family life?

Perhaps not, writes the onetime single mother. And that's OK, Brizendine said, if the workplace can be reshaped to better accommodate new mothers.

"This book is a call-to-arms for women and society to rework the social contract that women have with employers throughout their childbearing years," said Brizendine, while sitting in the Sausalito home she shares with her second husband of 10 years and teenage son. "We cannot afford to lose half the brainpower in this country. Our intelligent women are getting completely out of the loop for five to 10 years, and they cannot get back in.

"The message is that women can't stay at home 100 percent of the time and cut themselves off from their careers. The workplace should realize that women are wired to take care of children, and they want that time and need that time."

It is a sentiment that wasn't around when she was born in Hazard, Ky., a poor Appalachian mining town, where her parents, Protestant missionaries, were stationed. Her father, a minister, was active in the civil rights movement of the late 1950s and early 1960s, often appearing as a guest preacher in African American churches throughout the South. Despite Brizendine's mother being the valedictorian of her high school class, Brizendine's maternal immigrant grandparents believed that women should not be educated and refused to give their daughter any money for college.

"One of the things that has been passionate in my life is to have a profession that would allow me to support myself," Brizendine said. "Watching my mother, an intelligent woman, have limited choices because of the culture -- and because she was married to the typical male of that time in the 1950s in this country -- it was clear to me that I had to find a different way myself."

She attended UC Berkeley on an academic scholarship, initially in the nearly all-male world of architecture majors. But in her junior year, she switched to neurobiology, fascinated by experiments where manipulating the hormones of an animal produced different behaviors.

"To me, that hit pay dirt," Brizendine said. "To have that kind of explanation for behavior that wasn't based on how your family raised you -- or how the stereotypes of society were set on you."

From there she went to Yale Medical School, less than a decade after the undergraduate campus went coed. One day in class, Brizendine asked the professor why females weren't used in the study they were reviewing. She recalled him saying, "We don't use females in the study because their menstrual cycles would mess up the data."

"To be honest with you, the reason that this astounds me to this day," said Brizendine, "is because I didn't argue with him." But back then it was unthinkable to say, "Well, how can you then make medications, and how can you make assessments that you'll apply to female patients when you don't really know?"

Next, Brizendine hopes to expand her clinical work.

In the next month, she will open a satellite branch of the Women's and Teen Girls' Mood and Hormone Clinic at San Francisco General Hospital, which will focus on issues of most concern to African American women, Latinas and lesbians -- a further attempt to see how cultural issues affect the female brain.

For all women -- and those who love them -- she offers a tip.

Research shows that the female brain naturally releases oxytocin after a 20-second hug. The embrace bonds the huggers and triggers the brain's trust circuits. So Brizendine advises, don't let a guy hug you unless you plan to trust him.

"And if you do," she said, "make sure it lasts 20 seconds."

Head cases:

A few neurological differences between women and men from Louann Brizendine's "The Female Brain":

Thoughts about sex enter women's brains once every couple of days; for men, thoughts about sex occur every minute.

Women use 20,000 words per day; men use 7,000 per day.

Women excel at knowing what people are feeling; men have difficulty spotting an emotion unless someone cries or threatens bodily harm.

Women remember fights that a man insists never happened.

Women over 50 are more likely to initiate divorce.
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 09:33 am
Sexual orientation, she writes, "does not appear to be a matter of conscious self-labeling but a matter of brain wiring."

And is "brain wiring" determined by position in utero during fetal growth and development?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 09:47 am
For an apparent scientist, the woman speaks in cliches. Maybe new cliches, but cliches. Annoying article.
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 09:49 am
So, you could major in neurobiology at Berkeley in the early seventies? (Maybe true, I don't know.)
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 09:52 am
ossobuco wrote:
So, you could major in neurobiology at Berkeley in the early seventies? (Maybe true, I don't know.)

This woman is an MD and why she's wasting her time on this subject is beyond me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 10:00 am
I just read the whole thing, article as well as the quotes, as sloppy. I mentioned the neurobiology thing as it said she switched majors to it as a junior. Seems unlikely there was a full major in it. However, I know in some UC campuses starting in the seventies one could customize a major, so I might be wrong about the sloppiness of the comment.

I'm not disagreeing there have been brain differences elucidated. I'm reacting with distaste to the generalizing that seems to overlay the discussion.
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 12:57 pm
when she meets a prospective mate her brain is subconsciously sizing up his portfolio.

That's all you need- the rest is stuffing.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 01:00 pm
That was one of the sloppy generalizations.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 01:07 pm
It is a conclusion based on a large quantity of front-line research both at first and second hand and it is accepted by the writers of the best literature. In fact it is the surest guide I know to artistic choice.

Your generalisation osso is based on your own subjectivity. One might prefer you to be correct but alas that is not the case.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 05:49 pm
Re: FEMME MENTALE: difference re male & female brains
Start with why women prefer to talk about their feelings, while men prefer to meditate on sex.

I really find this an obnoxious generalization /stereotyping on this subject. It does neither gender any favours.

The only thing that's missing is the "all men watch sports" line. Mad
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 06:58 pm
spendius wrote:
It is a conclusion based on a large quantity of front-line research both at first and second hand and it is accepted by the writers of the best literature. In fact it is the surest guide I know to artistic choice.

Your generalisation osso is based on your own subjectivity. One might prefer you to be correct but alas that is not the case.

I regard UCSF rather well. I haven't seen the science on this work or the crits on it. The book is, or apparently is, from the review, full of sweeping attention getting statements, sort of sales promotional. I won't change my mind on that because you are swept by the statements, spendius.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 07:35 pm
Has this women's research been published in peer-reviewed journals?
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 07:51 pm
Again, for the slow, I'm not arguing there are differences.
I find what is in the article both simplistic and oddly promotional, which, from my not so subjective view of scientists at UC centers, is a tad odd.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 07:53 pm
There are known physical, hormonal and other biochemical differences between men and women. How these differences affect behavior remains to be determined ( if ever ).
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 07:54 pm
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 02:06 pm
Not agreed.

Perhaps the confusion lies in the use of the word "she" in the original text-

when she meets a prospective mate her brain is subconsciously sizing up his portfolio.

There are many works of literature besides the famous books of Sir Henry Rider Haggard, She and Ayesha, which deliniate the behaviour of the archetypal feminine in a manner which is easy to recognise today in certain quarters. In other places not so.

Being thouroughly steeped in such literature I would obviously read the "she" as Haggard, and the company of angels which every young men needs for protection, intended and anyone similarly seeped in modern feminist writing would read it differently and be using a crude biological criteria like a midwife would.

But only as regards behaviour in the particular circumstances which vary a great deal.

Nobody I have read has even tried to explain the origins of the behaviour within the biological organism for the obvious reason that only the behaviour is of consequence.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 02:59 pm
We are wise to be skeptical about research into the general traits of sexual, racial and class categories. First of all, generalizations and comparisons tend to be unconsciously (whether in terms of personality or cultural predispositions) motivated. Most of our discussions of sex and gender fail to distinguish between behavior that is biologically grounded and socially learned. Culture must always be taken into account when making generalizations about group behavior. "Negros" used to be considered lazy, lacking inner drive as innate traits without taking into account the opportunity structure, or lack thereof, within which blacks had to operate. Indeed, there are no innate racial behavioral traits, and most probably this applies (with small and insignificant exceptions) as well to gender.
Sexists and racists not only sees traits where they do not exist, but always "find" that the traits of "the other" groups are less attractive than the traits they attribute to their own gender and "racial" group. Note that I put "racial" in quotes. This is because the American Anthropological Society has dispensed with the notion of race as a technical construct having empirical or theoretical validity (genes exist but they are not naturally organized into discrete "races"). That professional organization even requested of the government that it eliminate "race" as a category in the National Census. And now gender is becoming deconstructed, no longer a simple unproblematical dichotomy.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 05:48 pm
JLN wrote- in a post difficult to take exception to-

And now gender is becoming deconstructed, no longer a simple unproblematical dichotomy.

The only deconstruction involved is for those who had the construction in the first place that it is a simple,unproblematical dichotomy.

Control freaks actually.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 06:39 pm
ossobuco wrote:

Double agreed! Laughing



SHE x HE------------>zygote
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 06:45 pm
It's funny, Miller, we agree on a lot over time and differ on political matters.
I'm always glad to see your face, typographically speaking, in any case.
(by the way, I got the xy, appreciate it).

Spendi, literature is - and I know you're a literary smartie - complex, and at best represents the thoughts of many disparate folk.

JL, nodding, as usual.
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