Mr. Stillwater I'm not surprised. Your mouth runs as the spring flood.
Yeah, as we say in Oz - "he has a mouth like a torn pocket".
Klingons do, most generally....
Craven!!!! They're being mean again!!
Garn - you love the attention...
When i was a small boy, there were two rabbit warrens on our property, but their presence seemingly did not alarm my grandfather, even though we produced all of our fruit and vegetables from our garden or gathering in the woods. When once i was chasing a rabbit (i was still just a "liddley"), my grandfather stopped me and said i might cause such fear in the creature, that it would die of fright. I was profoundly mortified both by that assertion, and by my inability to express my remorse to my hapless victim--i had no way to apologize to the rabbit. I have had a fondness for the coney ever since, and from that time developed a sense of the "hugeness" and potential terrors of the human world as it must appear to small animals. Frankly, i'd let 'em eat my beans while i found a non-violent way to keep them out of the garden.
Ahh Setanta, you are such a sweet fellah.
But this nation has been taken over by those floppy-eared vermin and they have reached the point of insulting honest citizens via cyberspace. Enuff is enuff, I say!! We should deal with them with EXTREME prejudice!!
Yes, but you have preversely chosen to inhabit a continent without any natural predation mechanism for dealing with rabbits. This cupidity has come back to haunt you. You have none of my sympathy.
Ah, twas the English that bought those coneys to these shores. And the foxes. And the cane toads. What the **** were they thinkin'?
I see no good reason to assume that thought had any part in the event.
'Twas AUSTRALIANS brought the cane toad, I thought.