I wondered re those police cars in front of Dyslexia's house

Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 06:06 pm
Dys, did you leave Fred home alone again? Shame on you.---BBB

Home alone child was parrot

Police called out to investigate reports of a young child left home alone found a talking parrot instead.

Police were called to the house in Koblenz, Germany, by an elderly lady who said she could hear a child next door constantly screaming "Mama, Mama".

The woman felt the child must have been left home alone as nobody was answering the cries.

But when officers broke into the house they found the cries were coming from a 25-year-old talking parrot.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 06:14 pm
Hi, Fred.
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Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 09:08 am
Odd Behaviors or "What the HECK is he doing?"
This explains Fred's behavior. No information on cause of Dyslexia's strange behavior. Will have to ask Diane about that now that she's back from Colorado. ---BBB

Odd Behaviors or "What the HECK is he doing?"

Head Bobbing: I've read that this is mostly a baby gesture. They do this to tell show their parents that they are hungry. Apparently, they continue to do it in adulthood as an "attention getter." Louie does this while making little whispering noises. Actually, *blush* I've found myself bobbing my head back at him Wink

Backing Up: When your bird backs up to your hand or whatever and rubs her behind on you, basically... hmmm...well.... she's in love Smile Its a female sexual maneuver and you should feel flattered - she "wants" you Smile

Pecking: I have no idea what this means, but apparently it is a normal behavior for birds. Louie does it when he is really concentrating on something, like tearing up a paper towel.

Beak Grinding: Basically this means "I'm a happy camper." Louie grinds his beak mostly at night when he is relaxed and content. But sometimes he will do it during the day after play time or after eating a particularly pleasing meal.

UBEs: UBE stands for "Unidentified Bird Emergency" - Every now and then, birds will become startled "out of the blue" and will go into a panic. This usually consists of flying frantically or flapping their wings and screeching at the top of their lungs. There doesn't have to be a reason, they just do it. It doesn't seem to happen very often and there is usually NOTHING going on... I mean total silence. The "episode" only lasts a few seconds and then they act as if nothing ever happened Smile Who knows?

Wing Flapping: When your bird gently flaps his wings close to his body, he wants to come to you. Usually this happens when I walk near or stand close to Louie's cage. Of course, I can never resist picking him up!

French Kissing: For some reason, Conures will sometimes try to 'slip you the tongue' when you kiss them. I (author) nearly fell out of my chair when Louie did that! Beware though, the experts warn against letting them do it. Apparently, we humans have bacteria in our mouths for which birds do not have an immunity. So "safe" kissing only Smile
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